Microsoft Teams Hits 145 Million Daily Active Users

Published: Apr 27, 2021


Microsoft has released their Q3 earnings release and the company posted big results yet again. It’s clear that the company is one of the big winners in the pandemic-induced digital transformational shift and Microsoft says that there are not any signs of slowing down.

One of the many products that performed well for Microsoft during the past year has been Teams. At last report, back in October of 2020, the company said that they had 115 million daily active users but today, Jeff Teper, Corporate Vice President – Microsoft 365, shared that the figure has now climbed to 145 million daily active users.

Doing some basic math, and making as we know the 115 million figure was from the end of Q2 and we know the 145 million is from the end of Q3, this means that Teams was adding about 10 million daily users each month.

The company also announced new Teams peripherals this month. With a fast-growing target audience for the new hardware, the company is aiming to find additional ways to monetize this audience with devices that integrate natively with the software.

With Skype for Business officially going away in the near future, the adoption of Teams should continue to grow as those customers migrate to the new platform. The key for Microsoft is to make Teams the new ‘sticky’ application inside of Office 365 and all signs are pointing to the fact that this application is becoming the new Excel.

And if you want to learn more about Teams, we have a full (free) one-day conference coming up that dives deep into the platform.