SharePoint Podcast Episode #327 — Daily Grind of the Common Man

Last Update: Sep 04, 2024 | Published: Feb 23, 2017


Podcast 327

Oh please, please let there be good news that Todd is being fired from the show. Please. That was my prayer. Turns out I only got half of what I wanted. In this episode, we talk about Todd being escorted out of the building since he lost his job. Which is awkward since he was working from home. After all of the crying is over, we make a plan to go treasure hunting. So if we don’t show up for next week’s show, you know we are in the Rockies looking for gold.



With all of the shenanigans out of the way, we dive into some pretty meaty topics. We cover how to use passwords with PowerShell securely. Lots of fun here that is backed up with a video and an article so that you can learn lots. Then we talk about a new SharePoint Online Web Part that is rolling out, new security and risk features in Office 365, and how Power BI finally integrates with SharePoint. Halleijulia! Then, to make sure we end off topic, we cover Imposter Syndrome. We had also hoped to bring on Gerry Le Canu from Texas to talk about the plight of the mouse squad in a Powershell world. I assume he wanted to cover some things that would upset PETA, Todd thinks he wanted to talk about automation and DevOps. Sadly, we will never know. If you want to find out more, feel free to tweet @glecanu and solve the mystery.

Links from the show:

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You can reach us on Twitter @Toddklindt or @ShanesCows. Be sure to check out Todd’s blog and Shane on YouTube without Todd to hold him down.