Last Update: Sep 04, 2024 | Published: Mar 04, 2015
I’ll be the first to admit that working with file and folder permissions makes my head hurt. It’s one of the most complicated tasks in Windows that IT pros frequently want to automate. A common task is to identify folders that have been configured to block inheritance. Using inheritance generally makes like easier when it comes to NTFS permissions. A folder that’s blocking inheritance is often the exception to the rule and an indication that someone has done something they probably shouldn’t have. Although there are scenarios when you may be expecting blocked inheritance, any folder that’s not configured is the exception. This is most often the case with user home folders. I’ll demonstrate how to identify these folders using PowerShell.
I have some local test folders that I’ll use for my demonstration. It is very important that you test everything in this article in a non-production environment, especially if you’re going to change folder permissions. The PowerShell ACL cmdlets can be a little tricky to use. Although I’m running commands locally, you should be able to take the same techniques and commands and wrap them in Invoke-Command so that you can execute them in a PowerShell remoting session. I wouldn’t recommend trying to get or set the ACL of \file02c$sharedfoo over the wire because there’s no reason to pass that type of SMB traffic. Instead use remoting so that everthing is secure and goes over a single port.
It should also go without saying, but I will this anyways that you need to run the commands with an account that has enough permissions to read the access control list on a given folder. Typically an account with local administrator privileges is sufficient.
Let’s begin by looking at the ACL of a folder that has had inheritance disabled.
get-acl C:workdemo3 | select *
The property that’s of interest is AreAccessRulesProtected.
AreAccessRulesProtected is a boolean property. If the value is true, then inheritance has been disabled. I’m going to check this property for all top-level folders.
dir c:work -Directory | get-acl |
Select @{Name="Path";Expression={Convert-Path $_.Path}},AreAccessRulesProtected |
Format-table -AutoSize
I have two top-level folders, which is generally what people test. If you need to drill down, then you can by using –Recurse with the DIR command. By the way, I’m defining a custom property for the path because the Get-ACL cmdlet has a path property, but it looks like this: Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreFileSystem::C:workdemo3, and I prefer to have more user-friendly paths.
Because the AreAccessRulesProtected property is a boolean, you don’t need to use the –eq operator, so it’s a simple matter to filter out folders that have blocked inheiritance
dir c:work -Directory -recurse | get-acl |
Where {$_.AreAccessRulesProtected} |
Select @{Name="Path";Expression={Convert-Path $_.Path}},AreAccessRulesProtected |
format-table -AutoSize
These are the folders under C:Work that have inheritance disabled.
If I want to find folders that have inheritance enabled, then I can use the –NOT operator in my filter.
Let’s say you want to re-enable inheritance once you’ve identified folders with blocked inheritance. The following outlines a simple way to do so.
First, we need the access control list for a folder.
$acl = get-acl c:workdemo2
To modify, we can use the SetAccessRuleProtection() method, which takes a few parameters.
The parameter values are both boolean. The second parameter indicates if you want to save existing rules, and I generally do.
All I’ve done is set the property on the ACL object. It hasn’t been applied to the folder. To accomplish that, I need to use Set-ACL.
set-acl -Path c:workdemo2 -AclObject $acl
Rechecking inheritance, I can see that this folder is now back to normal. At least for my purposes.
To make life easier, I have a function called Set-Inheritance.
#requires -version 3.0 Function Set-Inheritance { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory,HelpMessage="Enter the file or folder path", ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias("PSPath")] [string]$Path, [switch]$NoInherit, [switch]$NoPreserve, [switch]$Passthru ) BEGIN { Write-Verbose "Starting $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } #begin PROCESS { Try { $fitem = Get-Item -path $(Convert-Path $Path) -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Warning "Failed to get $path" Write-Warning $_.exception.message #bail out Return } if ($fitem) { Write-Verbose ("Resetting inheritance on {0}" -f $fitem.fullname) $aclProperties = Get-Acl $fItem Write-Verbose ($aclProperties | Select * | out-string) if ($noinherit) { Write-Verbose "Setting inheritance to NoInherit" if ($nopreserve) { #remove inherited access rules Write-Verbose "Removing existing rules" $aclProperties.SetAccessRuleProtection($true,$false) } else { #preserve inherited access rules $aclProperties.SetAccessRuleProtection($true,$true) } } else { #the second parameter is required but actually ignored #in this scenario $aclProperties.SetAccessRuleProtection($false,$false) } Write-Verbose "Setting the new ACL" #hashtable of parameters to splat to Set-ACL $setParams = @{ Path = $fitem AclObject = $aclProperties Passthru = $Passthru } Set-Acl @setparams } #if $fitem } #process END { Write-Verbose "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } #end } #end function Set-Alias -name sin -value Set-Inheritance
With this function, I can easily reset inheritance with a one-line command:
dir c:work -Directory -recurse | get-acl | Where {$_.AreAccessRulesProtected} | set-inheritance -whatif
If I intentionally want to disable or block inheritance, I can do that as well.
Set-Inheritance C:workdemo1 -NoInherit
Be careful about using the –NoPreserve parameter with my function. If you use it all existing permissions will be wiped out, and you’ll need to repopulate access control from scratch. As I mention at the beginning, you must carefully test these steps in a non-production environment. Personally, I like being able to use PowerShell to identify folders blocked inheritance. Unless I’m faced with a lot of folders, I’m just as happy resetting permissions manually. I’ve provided a PowerShell tool you can use, but just because you can doesn’t always mean you should.