Microsoft Updates Teams PowerShell Module to Version 4.5

Published: Jul 08, 2022



Microsoft has released version 4.5.0 of the Teams PowerShell module. This update doesn’t bring any big changes but it includes a set of bug fixes and enhancements for IT administrators.

The Microsoft Teams PowerShell module was released in April 2019. It allows IT admins to manage users, Teams, policies, and configuration through PowerShell. For instance, IT Pros can either create a new Team or convert an existing group into a team. It is also possible to delete a team or a channel within a team.

With this release, the Get-CsOnlineUser cmdlet has added support for a SoftDeletedUsers parameter that lists soft-deleted Azure AD accounts enabled for Microsoft Teams. Currently, there is no cmdlet for restoring a soft-deleted account in the Microsoft Teams module. To do this, IT admins will need to use a cmdlet such as Restore-MgDirectoryDeletedItem.

Additionally, the latest Microsoft Teams PowerShell module update brings support for the Get-CsHybridTelephoneNumber cmdlet. It lets users show details about one or more hybrid telephone numbers that are used for Audio Conferencing with Direct Routing for government tenants.

What’s new in Microsoft Teams PowerShell Module 4.5

You can find the highlights for this 4.5.0 release below:

  • Supports IncludeResources parameter for the Get-CsAutoAttendantStatus cmdlet.
  • Supports SoftDeletedUsers parameter for the Get-CsOnlineUser cmdlet.
  • Releases [Get|Grant]-CsTeamsMediaLoggingPolicy cmdlets.
  • Supports AuthorizedUsers optional parameter for the [New|Set]-CsAutoAttendant & [New|Set]-CsCallQueue cmdlets.
  • Fixes shared voicemail prompt parameters where prompt type couldn’t be switched after they have been set for Set-CsCallQueue cmdlet.
  • Fixes [New|Set]-CsOnlineSchedule cmdlets to work in the European date-time format.
  • Releases [New|Get|Set|Remove|Grant]-CsTeamsVoiceApplicationsPolicy cmdlets.
  • Releases Get-CsHybridTelephoneNumber cmdlet.
  • Releases modernized versions of [New|Remove]-CsHybridTelephoneNumber cmdlets.
  • Supports ToneStar and TonePound as value for DtmfResponse parameter in the New-CsAutoAttendantMenuOption cmdlet.
  • Fixes issues with PSListModifier in the AllowedDomainsAsAList parameter in the modernized Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration cmdlet.
  • Supports Group and Rank parameters for all Grant-Cs cmdlets.
  • Releases Test-CsTeamsTranslationRule cmdlet.

If the Microsoft Teams PowerShell module is already installed, you can use the Update-Module command with administrator permissions to install to the latest version. If you’re interested, you can find more details about managing Teams using Microsoft Teams PowerShell on GitHub.