Last Update: Nov 19, 2024 | Published: Jul 25, 2013
Are you ready to perform a basic SharePoint 2013 development environment installation? You will really find it helpful to have an installation available just so that you can get your feet wet with the basic operations of SharePoint 2013, such as creating web applications and site collections, or working with service applications. It also serves as a great place for doing some proof of concepts like testing workflows and site hierarchies, and it also lets the system administrator get some practice on some important operations like practicing how to backup SharePoint 2013.
This article shows you how to do a basic installation of SharePoint 2013 in strictly a development or pilot installation. Some of the steps in this article do things very differently than if you are creating a SharePoint farm that would be used by other people, or anything that would turn into a production environment later. The end result is a simple and complete SharePoint 2013 installation that you can use to explore the features and abilities of SharePoint with a minimal amount of setup time. This is part two in a three-part series on setting up a SharePoint 2013 dev environment. In part one, I covered Setting Up a SharePoint Development Environment: Prepare a Hyper-V VM. Later, in part three I’ll discuss farm configuration in a SharePoint 2013 development environment.
To begin with, I’m using SharePoint 2013 Evaluation Edition and a Hyper-V VM. I’m going to use just one VM for running everything SharePoint needs, including Active Directory, SQL Server, and SharePoint itself.
The VM needs to have the following steps taken to make sure that it’s ready:
I’m also going to install SQL Server 2012 Express on this server. You need an account to administer the farm, so open the SharePoint Management Shell and enter:
New-ADUser –Name “SPFarm” –samaccountname “SPFarm” –AccountPassword (“P@ssWord!123” | ConvertTo-SecureString –AsPlainText -Force) ––PassThru | Enable-ADAccount
You don’t need to make any special considerations when installing SQL Server 2012 Express with Management Tools.
Once installed, you’ll need to open SQL Server Management Studio from the Start Screen.
Log into localhostSQLEXPRESS and then right-click the database server and select Properties.
Under Advanced, select Max Degree of Parallelism from the Parallelism and change this setting to 1.
Next, you need to assign permissions to the SPFarm account.
To add the prerequisites, you’ll need to mount the ISO. The easiest way to do this is through Hyper-V. Unfortunately, Hyper-V doesn’t load IMG files into the virtual DVD-ROM drive, and that’s the format that the SharePoint Server 2013 Evaluation is downloaded as. All you have to do is change the file extension on the SharePoint 2013 server download from “IMG” to “ISO” and Hyper-V will be able to see the ISO and mount it to the Virtual DVD drive.
The nice thing about mounting the ISO image through the Hyper-V VM instead of mounting the IMG or ISO file directly from the OS of the virtual machine is that the connection will persist through the reboots that the VM will need to do. It will reboot (usually more than once) during the prerequisite installation.
You won’t lose your progress by restarting this process. All of the items previously installed or configured will be skipped over, so you’ll be right back to where you were.
Working through the Products Configuration Wizard is going to be straightforward.
Once completed, you’ve gotten your own private SharePoint installation all ready for the final steps. Service applications still need to be created, and web applications setup. In the end, you’ll be all set to explore the features of SharePoint 2013.
This is a great way to get setup with a basic SharePoint installation, but there are some things that we would never do in a production environment.
In the end, this SharePoint 2013 DEV environment can be very useful for our own education and experience, and the shortcuts we took helped us to get our environment up in as quickly and in as few steps as possible.