Office System (2003) Hotfix Slipstreaming

Last Update: Dec 03, 2024 | Published: Jan 07, 2009


Office System (2003) Hotfix Slipstreaming

You should consider installing SP2

Office System 2003 Service Pack 2 was released in the end of September 2005. You can download SP2 for Office System 2003 right here:
Download Office System 2003 SP2 – Client only (50.5mb)link out ico
Download Office System 2003 SP2 – Full administrative installation (101mb)link out ico
For detailed instructions on how to integrate SP1 into your Office 2003 products see the following articles: Front Page 2003 SP2 Slipstreaming, Office System (2003) SP2 Slipstreaming and One Note 2003 SP2 Slipstreaming.
For Office XP integrated installations see the Office XP SP1/2 Slipstreaming page.
Even after installing SP2, whenever a new Hotfix is released by Microsoft, you will be able to easily slipstream the new Hotfix into the installation files, so whenever youll want to install Office again, it will already have the updates integrated into the installation.
For other versions of this article please visit the following links:

How can I slipstream Hotfixes into Office System (2003)?

This scenario explains how to create an integrated installation of Office System and the corresponding Hotfix in a shared distribution folder on a network or on your local computer. To complete this procedure, you must have the original Office System CD media.
Note: This explanation is currently based upon usage of 2 older Office System 2003 patches, but will also work for future updates.


Before we begin anything, you’ll need to have a few things (again, this is just an example based upon 2 older Hotfixes, not required after SP2):

  1. Office System CD
  2. Any Office 2003 update you want, for instance, I’ve used the two following updates as examples, but s new Hotfixes and updates are released, most chances are that you’ll be able to integrate them as well:

download it right HERE (1.64mb)link out ico

Download it right HERE (3.42mb)link out ico

  1. Any other subsequent patch – I may not be able to keep this page as updated as the Office Update site, so its up to you to be sure youve got all the relevant patches.
  2. At least 580MB of free space on your hard drives.
  3. A CDR/CDRW drive, CD burning software and (This is actually only optional, but if you want to burn the resulting slipstreamed Office System then youll need it).

Step 1: Copy the Office System CD to your local HD

Note: Do NOT just copy your CD to your HD! Doing so will cause the setup files to grow to more than 900mb, and you will not be able to burn them to CD.
Instead, use the following steps:

  1. Insert the Office System CD into your drive, from the “Start” button select “Run” and type
​x:setup /a

Lamer Note: X: is the physical drive your CD drive is assigned. Notice that there is a space between the “setup” and the “/”.
This is going to start the install process of Office System. Youll be presented with the option of where you want the files to go (I chose “c:office”), and youll be asked to enter your CD key.

Network Installation Note: If you plan to use this installation point to install Office System from the network of via Group Policy (GPO) you must first create a folder on your server, share it, and then browse to that share via the network path, NOT the local path.

  1. After entering the CD key, youll be presented with the End User License Agreement. Accept their then continue.
  1. Its going to appear to be installing, but in fact your files are being copied over to your hard drive.
  2. The completion window will pop up and the entire Office System CD is now copied to your hard drive.

Step 2: Extract the Hotfix files

Update for Office KB885828

For the slipstreaming of the February 2005 critical update do the following:
Double-click the file (or use WinZip or similar) to extract the file to a folder of your choice (I called it 885828).
Youll be asked where to extract the update. Enter it here or use the browse button if youve made the folder already. If you specify a directory that doesnt exist, it will be made automatically.
Note that after the extraction is complete youll end up with an .MSP file and a few other files. In this case the files name is MSOop.MSP.

Outlook 2003 Junk E-mail Filter Update

Again, extract the file to a folder of your choice (I called it 892236). In this case youll end up with a few files, one of them is OUTLFLTR.MSP.

Step 3: Merge the Hotfix files to the Office administrative installation folder

Update for Office KB885828

Enter the following command from the “Run” command:

​msiexec /p x:885828MSOop.msp /a x:officepro11.msi shortfilenames=true /qb

Where “x” is the drive letter where the files are located, OFFICE is the folder where the Office System files were copied, and 885828 is the folder where the Hotfix file was extracted.
Just copy the above line and change the folder locations to ease your typing and reduce spelling mistakes.
Note: There will be not visual prompts when the process is finished.

Outlook 2003 Junk E-mail Filter Update

Similar to the first example.
Enter the following command from the “Run” command:

​msiexec /p x:892236OUTLFLTR.msp /a x:officepro11.msi shortfilenames=true /qb

Where “x” is the drive letter where the files are located, OFFICE is the folder where the Office System files were copied, and 892236 is the folder where the Hotfix file was extracted.
Just copy the above line and change the folder locations to ease your typing and reduce spelling mistakes.
Note: Like in the previous example, there will be not visual prompts when the process is finished.

Subsequent Updates and Hot fixes

Do the same for all future patches, Hotfixes and updates. Just replace the .MSP filename with the relevant filename of the patch.

Step 4: Burn the files to a CD (optional)

Use you favorite CD-Burning software and burn the OFFICE folder to a CD.
You dont need instructions for that, do you?

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