Azure Native New Relic Service Provides Full Stack Observability To Boost Digital Transformation

Cloud Computing

Microsoft has announced that its Azure Native New Relic service is now available for customers in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. The company explained that this release should help to drive cloud migrations and accelerate multi-cloud initiatives in enterprise environments.

New Relic is a cloud-based platform that helps developers and IT admins monitor the performance and health of their applications. The service provides real-time insights for real-user monitoring, error tracking, infrastructure monitoring, and log management. It has integrations with various enterprise tools, including Slack, Atlassian Jira, Lighthouse, and Microsoft Azure.

Microsoft notes that Azure customers previously had to follow a complex process for setting up credentials, event hubs, and custom code. This release lets IT Pros use the New Relic service to seamlessly collect telemetry data for monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing cloud applications and Azure workloads.

“Observability is essential in today’s modern, multicloud world. Whether our customers are running applications on data centers, embracing the public cloud, or running things at the edge, they need observability to take a look across all those systems. Today’s news brings together more than a decade of innovation between New Relic and Microsoft, to bring the power of full stack observability to Microsoft developers, so they can accelerate enterprise cloud migration and multi-cloud initiatives,” said Bill Staples, the CEO of New Relic.

Microsoft's Azure Native New Relic Service

Getting started with Azure Native New Relic Service

To get started, IT administrators will need to head over to the Azure marketplace to subscribe to the Azure Native New Relic Service. They will need to create and manage the New Relic resources via the Azure portal. You can see how the onboarding process works in the video below:

Microsoft notes that its Azure Native New Relic service is currently available in preview for all businesses. It should help to accelerate digital transformation across different organizations and industries. We invite you to check out this support page to learn more about Azure Native New Relic Service.