When I was first introduced to server virtualization and the advanced features it offered, it seemed almost too good to be true. To think that a datacenter full of physical servers could be consolidated into just a few servers, that new servers could be created in seconds, and that virtual servers could move around to balance load, from one host to another, with NO downtime – it all seems so incredible! After using server virtualization in production and seeing the results I can tell you that these features I mentioned are just a few of the “base” features. There are so many mind-blowing features that take a few hours to describe.
In fact, I would LOVE to offer you a free and unbiased video training course on virtualization that you can watch at your own pace, over the web. This isn’t some kind of introductory offer, it’s a full 2 hour, high-quality, training course that covers:
What is Virtualization? – In this introductory lesson, find out what the different types of virtualization are and how they can help you. Additionally, after watching, you’ll understand the two types of server virtualization hypervisors and see how you would administer a virtual infrastructure, in the real world.
Why You Need Server Virtualization – Datacenters have experienced an explosion of physical server growth. In this lesson, you will learn how Server Admins can take back control of the datacenter and how companies can save time and money all by deploying server virtualization.
What You Need to Test and Deploy Server Virtualization – In this lesson, you will find out what you’ll need to get started testing and deploying server virtualization in your own datacenter. After watching this lesson, you’ll understand just what you’ll need to make a successful virtual infrastructure work for you and your company.
Overview of VMware’s Virtualization Offerings– VMware has the highest market share in virtualization and they offer a variety of different virtualization solutions. In this lesson, you will learn about VMware’s different products and see them firsthand when we cover VMware Workstation, Fusion, vSphere, vCenter, free vSphere, VMware Server, and VMware Player.
Overview of Microsoft’s Virtualization Offerings – Microsoft needs no introduction and they have powerful virtualization products that you need to be aware of. After watching this lesson, you’ll learn the difference between Windows XP Mode, Virtual PC, Virtual Server, Windows Server with Hyper-V, Free Hyper-V, and System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM).
Building a Virtualization Lab – The best way to learn about virtualization first hand is to create your own virtualization lab. You can do this by creating a virtual, virtualization lab or a physical, virtualization lab. In this lesson, you will find out what you’ll need and then watch as David Davis creates a virtual vSphere lab in VMware Workstation, step by step.
What About the Cloud? – On TV and by overly ambitious salespeople, “The Cloud” is over-hyped and presented as a utopian computing solution. In this lesson, you will find out the truth about cloud computing and which of these useful and practical applications can change the way you work (and save you money).
Learn More About Virtualization – After watching this introduction on virtualization, what do you do next? In this lesson, you’ll learn about virtualization certifications, websites, podcasts, videocasts, and virtualization video training from TrainSignal
To gain access to this free 2 hour video training course or to download the 10 page Intro to Virtualization Guide, click here.
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About David Davis:
David is the author of the best-selling VMware vSphere video training library from TrainSignal. He has written hundreds of virtualization articles and presented at conferences including VMworld and TechMentor. He is a VMware vExpert, a VCP, VCAP-DCA and CCIE #9369 with more than 18 years of enterprise IT experience.