What’s my Exchange 2000 SP Version?

Last Update: Sep 24, 2024 | Published: Jan 07, 2009


How can I tell what SP is installed on my Exchange 2000 server?
Go to your server in Exchange System Manager, right-click your server, choose Properties, and on the General tab make a note of the version number.
this image has been lost in time this image has been lost in time
Each version of Exchange Server includes a build number so that you can easily identify which version of the product you are running:
4417.5 = Exchange 2000 RTM
4629.1 = SBS 2000 Exchange 2000
4712.7 = Exchange 2000 SP1
5762.4 = Exchange 2000 SP2
6249.4 = Exchange 2000 SP3
6396.1 = Exchange 2000 Post-SP3 Super Roll-up
63xx/64xx = Exchange 2000 Post-SP3 Hotfixes
You may also want to read What’s my Exchange 2003 SP Version? and What’s my Exchange 2000/2003 Version?.