Last Update: Dec 03, 2024 | Published: Jan 07, 2009
In my previous articles (see list below) I have written about how, in Windows Server 2008, Server Core installation does not include the traditional full graphical user interface (GUI). Therefore, once you have configured the server, you can only manage it locally at a command prompt, or remotely using a Terminal Server connection. Read more about Server Core on my “Understanding Windows Server 2008 Server Core” article.
One of the major pains of managing such a GUI-stripped installation is the configuration of the any Windows settings, mostly because we, Windows-based and Windows-accustomed administrators, have very little in common with non-GUI-based operating systems. In Server Core, some (although not all) of the server settings can somehow be managed by existing MMC snap-ins, however, since Server Core has no MMC available to run locally, we need to fire up those snap-ins remotely, from one of our management workstations or servers.
In this article, I assume that you have already configured your server core with the bare minimum requirements to operate in a network. These requirements are:
You should, but are not required to, also join the server to your domain.
All of the above can be accomplished by following the “Configuring Windows Server 2008 Server Core Basic Networking Settings” and “Remotely Managing Windows 2008 Server Core Firewall” (Upcoming) articles.
Next, in order to properly configure Server Core to allow you to control its settings remotely, via MMC snap-ins, follow these steps:
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Administration" new enable=yes
You can always run the following command in order to disable this option:
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Administration" new enable=no
If you’re performed the tasks listed in the “Remotely Managing Windows 2008 Server Core Firewall” article, then you will be able to enable the Remote Administration rule from a remote computer, by opening the Windows Firewall snap-in for the Server Core machine.
You can now perform any administrative tasks supported by the remote MMC snap-in. This is especially useful in server roles such as DNS, DHCP and so on. Although specific role-related command line tools exist (for the above examples you would use DNSCMD and NETSH respectively), they are still a lot easier to manage through a GUI tool.
Do not forget the fact that you can still use RDP to remotely manage the machine running Server Core. Read my “Managing Windows 2008 Server Core through RDP” article for more info on that.
Windows Server 2008 Server Core installations, like any other servers, require remote management. One of the methods allowing you to do that is by using remote MMC snap-ins. This article showed you how to do that.
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