Petri’s Top Posts of 2018

Last Update: Dec 03, 2024 | Published: Jan 01, 2019


Azure Cloud Hero Server Devices

With 2019 starting fresh today, it’s time to take one last look at 2018 for Petri. During the year we updated our forums, converted our database, updated site mechanics, started a new podcast and prepared the site for even bigger things in 2019.

Much of the content we publish on Petri falls into two categories: news, and technical information. This results in two different types of traffic waves, news which draws in readers quickly and technical information which will bring in readers for months and often times, for several years.

For the 2018 year, the top posts were a mixture of news and technical with news taking four of the top spots and technical filling out the remaining six. Below you will find the list of our top posts of the year:

For the year ahead, I fully expect Azure and Office 365 to continue to be growth segments for not only Microsoft but for our content as well. In 2018, we pushed deeper into these areas for coverage and 2019 will see us continue down that path as well.

As Microsoft continues to evolve their strategies, we will keep you updated on what you need to know to stay informed and ahead of the curve. Our goal with each post on Petri is to help you not only understand how the technology world is changing but also how to take advantage of it.