Last Update: Dec 03, 2024 | Published: Jan 07, 2009
Microsoft Exchange Intelligent Message Filter is a product developed by Microsoft to help companies reduce the amount of unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE), or spam, received by users. You can read more about IMF on the Block Spam with Exchange 2003 Intelligent Message Filter page.
When an external user sends e-mail messages to an Exchange server with Intelligent Message Filter enabled, IMF evaluates the textual content of the messages and assigns the message a rating based on the probability that the message is UCE or spam. All incoming messages are marked with a Spam Confidence Level (or SCL) rating.
SCL is a “rating system” that on a scale from -1 (only used for authenticated users) to 10, will tell Outlook or OWA whether or not the e-mail should be moved to the Junk E-mail folder (depending on the user s settings). Note that not all messages might be transferred to the store (i.e. the user s mailbox) depending on the settings on the IMF tab. Read more about how to Configure Intelligent Message Filter in Exchange 2003 SP2.
Viewing this SCL rating might be beneficial in some cases, especially when evaluating the effectiveness of IMF right before beginning to actually delete messages instead of just rating them or archiving them (read View Intelligent Message Filter Archive).
You can view the SCL rating in Outlook. Read Display SCL Level in Outlook 2003 for more info.
In Outlook Web Access there are 2 methods for viewing the SCL rating. Please contact me in case you know of another method to do so and I ll update this page.
After performing the steps outlined in the Display SCL Level in Outlook 2003 article you will now be able to view the SCL rating via OWA. Follow these steps:
Note: If you re using Cached mode on your Outlook 2003 profile while performing the above steps, you must disable it in order to ensure that the view is saved on the server and available to OWA.
Done. You can now view the SCL rating in OWA from any computer.
A great add-on written by Lee Derbyshire, a fellow Exchange MVP from the UK.
This add-on can be downloaded from here:
Download Message Headers and SCL rating add-on to OWA 2003 SP2 (12kb)
This OWA add-on will allow you to view message headers and IMF SCL in OWA 2003. It works only with OWA 2003 SP2, and it only works with the Premium\ OWA interface.
C:Program Files Exchsrvr exchweb 6.5.7651.25 controls
(although this will change with future service packs and updates)
Lamer note: Substitute C: with the correct drive letter of your Exchange installation. You did install it on a different partition than your system partition, didn t you?
Cool, thanks Lee!
You Had Me At EHLO… : Exposing the Spam Confidence Level (SCL) in OWA
You Had Me At EHLO… : Exposing SCL (Spam Confidence Level) in Outlook
Lee Derbyshire s website