Change Print Server

Last Update: Dec 03, 2024 | Published: Jan 06, 2009




Do you need to change your organizational print server?
You might find the task of updating the clients’ printers’ settings pretty tiring…
This utility will update your clients’ printers to the new print server through a logon script. The utility does not affect local printers, Netware printers and network printers from a different print server than the one specified in execution arguments.
Requirements: Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003
Current version: 1.3
Version 1.3 highlights: Bug fix: Printer connections are deleted when using a case-sensitive command line argument. The bug was fixed.


Download [this_link_has_been_removed] (16kb)
You need to extract the tool/script found in the downloaded file by using WinZip or similar.


​ChangePrintSRV from

/localports – Also changes the printers that are installed as local port. This option require administrative privileges, i.e. the user has to be a member of the local administrator/power users group. This switch causes the spooler service to restart.

​ChangePrintSRV from oldprintsrv NewPrintSRV /localports

Detailed Instructions

  1. Install and configure your new print server.

You can use Microsoft Print Migrator for printers and printer driver’s migration from one print server to another. The tool is available for download HERE.

  1. Make sure your new print server is ready:
  • All printers from the old server are installed on it with the exact same names.
  • All printers are shared and have proper security settings.
  1. Test the utility on a single workstation.
  • Copy ChangePrintSRV to a network share. For example:
  • Make sure there are several network printers from your existing print server installed on the computer.
  • Open CMD.EXE
  • Run the command as specified in the Syntax section. For example:
​''fileSRV'Utils'ChangePrintSRV.EXE from printsrv1 to PrintSRV2
  • Verify that your printers now point to the new print server
  1. Distribute through a logon script.

If the previous test passes successfully, Just add the command specified in ‘Syntax’ section to the end of the login script and wait for users to log on. Delete the line only after you are sure that all users run the logon script.


No support of any sort will be given for this script/tool or for any other script/tool found on the website for that matter. If you need to contact us with any support issues, feedback or suggestions regarding the tool(s) and script(s) found on this page please write an e-mail to THIS address.


The software available from GanoTools is FREEWARE. It is not in the Public Domain. Asaf Ganot retains the copyright for this work. You can use it freely but do not claim it for your own or charge others money for it.

Use these tools at your own risk. They are provided for your own personal use and enjoyment and Asaf Ganot nor Daniel Petri nor do not provide any warranty for them, nor they will be held responsible for any result allegedly caused by use or misuse of any of the tools found on this page.
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