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Running the Windows 2000 Server Active Directory Migration Tool

Last Update: Nov 19, 2024

How can I migrate users and groups from my NT 4.0 domain to a Windows 2000 Domain? The Active Directory Migration Tool provides an easy, secure, and fast way to migrate to Windows 2000 Active Directory service. As a system administrator, you can use this tool to diagnose any possible problems before starting migration operations…

Controlling IE cache size via GPO

Last Update: Dec 03, 2024

I have seen this question several times at different message boards, so I’ve decided to write something on it. The built-in GPO settings do not provide a method for controlling the size of the “Temporary Internet Files”, hence the users (if no restriction on the user profile size exist) can quickly fill up the disk…

How can I transfer NT4 domain data using the Active Directory Migration Tool?

Last Update: Nov 19, 2024

When migrating to Windows 2000 Active Directory Services, many organizations choose the path of restructuring rather than upgrading. This involves building a pristine Windows 2000 ADS environment and then adding the organization’s users, groups, and computer accounts rather than upgrading a Windows NT4 domain. Of course, with a clean ADS domain structure, you still have…

Adding New Administrative Templates to a GPO

How can I add a new Administrative Template to an existing (or new) GPO? In a previous article – Understanding Administrative Templates in GPO – I’ve described the purpose of the Administrative Templates section in the Windows 2000/XP/2003 GPO. Administrative Templates are a large repository of registry-based changes that can be found in any GPO…

How do I install and configure a new Windows 2000 DNS server to prepare for a new AD Domain?

Last Update: Sep 17, 2024

The Domain Name System (DNS) is the Active Directory locator in Windows 2000. Active Directory clients and client tools use DNS to locate domain controllers for administration and logon. You must have a DNS server installed and configured for Active Directory and the associated client software to function correctly. This article guides you through the…

How to Set Up ADMT for a Windows NT 4.0-to-Windows Server 2003 Migration?

Last Update: Nov 19, 2024

MS KB 326480 has more info: This article describes how to set up the Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT) to perform a migration from a Windows NT 4.0-based domain to a Windows Server 2003-based domain. You can use the ADMT to migrate users, groups, and computers from one domain to another, and to analyze the…

Administer Windows 2000/2003 Domain from Windows XP

Last Update: Nov 19, 2024

How can I administer Windows 2000/2003-based computers using Windows XP Professional-based clients? This article describes how to use the Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools package on Windows XP Professional or how to use the Windows Server 2003 family to remotely administer Microsoft Windows 2000 Server family-based and Windows Server 2003 family-based computers. The following topics…

A Word about Working with GPOs and Terminal Servers

Last Update: Sep 24, 2024

A word about working with Group Policy Objects (GPOs) and Terminal Servers Recently I had a long conversation with one of my clients about the proper way for using GPOs. I think my readers could benefit from the stuff that was said there. Naturally, the client’s name and details are not an issue and are…

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