Last Update: Sep 24, 2024 | Published: Jan 06, 2009
Today I’ve delivered an interesting session for Microsoft in the Israeli Get Ready for Windows Server 2008 event that took place in the Hilton Tel-Aviv hotel. The session was presented in front of approximately 700 people and was also recorded for offline viewing. Although I do not yet have the recorded presentation, I will post my PowerPoint slides for your viewing.
Windows Server 2008 has many exciting new features and functionality. My session described those that make the administrator’s live easier and allow for simpler server management and deployment.
In my presentation I talked about Server Manager and the Initial Configuration Tasks applications, describing how Server Manager was a one stop shop, a portal for unified server management, giving you not only the ability to manage the server by adding and removing roles, plus configuring installed roles, but also by providing the administrator with clear, up to date, information gathered from Event Viewer and the Services applications. Furthermore, I described the ease of automation by using the servermanagercmd.exe command line tool.
Next, I spoke about server roles and features, allowing the server to perform specific roles and functions. Note that today, Windows Server 2008 RC0 has 17 possible roles, plus one – WSUS 3.0 SP1, that can be added manually.
Event Viewer and Scheduled Tasks were my next topic. You can read more about them in my upcoming “Working with Event Subscriptions in Windows Vista/2008” and “Creating Custom Tasks for Specific Events in Windows Vista/2008” articles
Next, I discussed the value of PowerShell to Windows Server 2008, allowing the administrator to perform virtually any management task from the PowerShell command line shell.
I hope you’ll enjoy these slides, more will follow.