Small Business Server 2000 Patches

Last Update: Nov 19, 2024 | Published: Jan 07, 2009



Required Patches – SP1/SP1a

Small Business Server 2000 is based on the Windows 2000 platform, and incorporates Back Office 2000 products such as Exchange 2000 Server, ISA Server 2000, SQL 2000 Server and more. Because of that, virtually all Windows 2000, Exchange 2000, SQL 2000, ISA Server 2000 patches and service packs apply to SBS 2000.
2 versions of Service Pack 1 exist: SP1 and SP1a.

  • Service Pack 1 for SBS 2000 was released in the beginning of August 2002. This service pack includes SP3 for Windows 2000, SP3 for Exchange 2000, plus other add-ons and SBS 2000 patches. If you are currently running Small Business Server 2000 SP1 with Windows 2000 SP3, Microsoft recommends upgrading to Windows 2000 SP4.
  • Service Pack 1a for SBS 2000 contains the same updates as SP1, plus Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4). Small Business Server 2000 SP1a also differs from SP1 in that it does not include or install the Microsoft virtual machine (VM), which provides support for running Java programs.

You can download SP1a for SBS 2000 right HERE (300mb)link out ico
You should also download and install the following patches:

January 2004

MS04-001 : Vulnerability in H.323 Filter can Allow Remote Code Execution (816458)link out ico

August 2002

MS02-044 : Unsafe Functions in Office Web Components (328130)link out ico

W2K and E2K individual patches still apply!

Applying SP1 for SBS 2000 will bring your SBS 2000 server to date with SP3 for W2K and E2K. Applying SP1a will bring your SBS 2000 server to date with SP4 for W2K and SP3 for E2K. But anyway, as you probably know by now, individual patches and hotfixes are released for those specific products.
Make sure you read Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 Patches and IIS 5.0 Patches before you go on.
Also, read the following pages and apply the patches listed there: