M365 Changelog: Outlook – Shared Calendar Notifications

MC675815 -The feature gives the ability for a user to receive notifications for changes in a calendar they have shared or have been shared with. Delegates and editors for a principal’s calendar can subscribe to notifications for certain changes to the events in the principal’s calendar. Similarly, any user who has their calendar shared out can subscribe to notifications for certain changes done to their calendar by any delegate or editor. The notifications will be triggered for create, update and delete actions to events in the calendar.

When this will happen:

Standard Release: This feature is currently rolling out and expected to complete by mid-November 2023.

How this will affect your organization:

After the change, users will see a new UI experience titled “Calendar updates” under Settings -> Calendar -> Shared calendar. This will have a list of checkboxes for all the eligible calendars (shared-in or shared-out) for which the user can opt for notifications. User can select one or more calendar(s) and save to start receiving notifications for changes done by others in the respective calendars.

What you need to do to prepare:

No action is needed to enable this update.