M365 Changelog: Microsoft Edge Workspaces now generally available for enterprises

MC649049 – Staying in sync on projects with many different links, files, and resources is difficult. With Microsoft Edge Workspaces, teams can view the same project websites and latest working files in one place as a shared set of browser tabs to help them stay in sync.

Microsoft Edge Workspaces is a new enterprise feature to help users and teams stay better organized and productive in their workdays. Users and teams can group browser tabs for a project together in a dedicated browser window called a “workspace.” With a workspace, users and teams can easily “pause and resume” working on their project, meaning they can close the workspace with all their tabs and confidently open it later to access their tabs again. They can also invite additional teammates to join their workspace for a shared experience where teams can browse together.

Admin controls are available as specified at the link below. 

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 124844

When this will happen:

Standard Release: Microsoft Edge Workspaces is available now for users signed in with their Microsoft Entra ID accounts using Microsoft Edge version 114 or higher.

How this will affect your organization:

Users can access Edge Workspaces by clicking on the Workspaces icon in the upper left corner of the browser.

edge workspace
View image in new tab

Using Edge Workspaces is easy: Users can simply go to the top left corner of the browser to the Edge Workspaces icon to create a new workspace. Then, they can open the browser tabs for their project and share the workspace so everyone is working off the same set of websites and files. They can add or delete tabs in the workspace at any time, and it all happens in real-time so everyone can easily see the whole picture. Plus, it’s secure – if protected files/apps are open in tabs, only people with access can view.

Your users can learn more about Edge Workspaces by visiting: https://aka.ms/LearnAboutEdgeWorkspaces 

Read our announcement blog from Ignite: https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2022/10/12/ignite-2022-innovations-updates-microsoft-edge/?form=MA13H6 

What you need to do to prepare:

To access Microsoft Edge Workspaces, your users will need Microsoft Edge version 114 or higher and need to be signed in with their Microsoft Entra ID accounts.

  • Users must have access to a OneDrive for Business license to create an Edge Workspace.
  • Workspace data is stored in your users’ personal OneDrive for business and carries the same protections as all the other content stored in OneDrive.
  • Edge Workspaces can only be shared within the same Microsoft 365 tenant.

Learn more about how to manage Edge Workspaces in your organization here: https://aka.ms/TryEdgeWorkspaces 

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