Last Update: Nov 19, 2024 | Published: Mar 13, 2017
First off, we could make fun of Todd for looking like the weird cat that is on his shirt. Second, we could make fun of the fact Todd couldn’t figure out how to center me in the frame. Third, we could make fun of me for writing an intro that has nothing to do with the show. Too many choices, so we will skip all of the jokes and just move on.
In this episode, the first 20 minutes we do that thing where we get off on tangents. We talk about April the Giraffe, the Oscars, some guy named Rob from the UK who thinks Todd needs to learn to speak the Queen’s English, and stories about tech with kids schools. Sheesh. You have my permission to skip the first 20 minutes and just start with the good content because it is actually pretty good stuff. Here is a link to when we go all tech nerd. You are welcome.
In the nerd portion of the show, we talk about two-factor authentication hitting home for both of us in the last week and we remind you all to go turn it on yourself. Then we go over a new PowerShell Video I made that shows you how to copy, move, and delete SharePoint Online files using PowerShell. Man, I love PowerShell! Then we hit on new features for OneDrive for Business and AD Group management for Office 365. Finally, we close out with a sprinkling of SHA1, SharePoint 2007, the Snap IPO, and people flying around the moon. A pretty good show once you get through the warm up act.
Links from the show:
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All complaints can be registered on Twitter to @Toddklindt. If you love the show, then let @ShanesCows know. Be sure to check out Todd’s blog and Shane on YouTube without Todd to hold him down.