Microsoft’s Ignite, Part II, is Happening March 2-4

Published: Jan 26, 2021


Last year, when Microsoft announced that they would be splitting Ignite into two events, we did not know when the second iteration of the conference would occur. But if you have been sitting on the edge of your seat, wondering when the company would host a spring event, wonder no more.

As the title proudly includes most of the news, the event is happening March 2-4. According to the landing page, Microsoft is describing this event as “a digital world at your fingertips” but the sub-head does make it seem like there will be some replay of the previous Ignite conference – “The next Microsoft Ignite is March 2–4, 2021. As we enhance the experience, enjoy and share your favorite moments from September 2020.”

Ignite, when we can all travel and be around each other, is the company’s largest IT-Pro event of the year. While the company has done a commendable job with the Ignite-online experience, nothing truly replaces the in-person event. That being said, by being fully-online, Ignite is accessible to a much wider audience than the previous in-person shows.

Much like the previous iteration of the conference, this show will be free. That being said, you will likely have to register again but at this time, registration does not appear to be open.

And as always with Ignite, we will make sure to cover the larger announcements from the events and make sure you are aware of any new features or major changes coming to the platforms that drive your organization.