M365 Changelog: Yammer Administrator Role in Azure Active Directory

MC324459 – A new role is being added to Azure Active Directory titled, “Yammer Administrator”. Users who are assigned the Yammer Administrator role will be allowed to manage all aspects of the Yammer service.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 82187

When this will happen:

Microsoft will begin slowly rolling this out in late June and expect to complete rollout early October.

How this will affect your organization:

Administrators can expect to see a new built-in role for “Yammer administrator” in Azure Active Directory. Users who are assigned the new built-in role will be treated as Verified Admins in Yammer.

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What you need to do to prepare:

Admins can start to plan how they would like to use role-based access control in Azure Active Directory to manage Yammer admins within their organization.

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