M365 Changelog: View and manage feedback users are submitting to Microsoft about Microsoft 365 products

MC253498 – You’ll soon be able to view and manage the feedback that your users send to Microsoft about Microsoft 365 products. This feedback will appear in the Microsoft 365 admin center in the Product feedback node. This new experience will allow you to get transparency into your users’ experiences and sentiment with the Microsoft 365 products they’re using.

Key points

  • Microsoft 365 Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 68899 
  • Timing:
    • Targeted Release (entire organization): begins early May and should be complete in late May
    • Standard Release: begins late-May and should be complete by the end of June
  • Roll-out: tenant level
  • Action: review and assess  

How this will affect your organization

You’ll be able browse, drill into, and export feedback (for the previous 18 months) that your users submitted about their experiences with Microsoft 365 products. You can then take appropriate action to address or manage feedback including an option to permanently delete feedback provided to Microsoft.

You can see feedback from Microsoft 365 products like Microsoft 365 Admin centers, Office, OneDrive, SharePoint, Teams, and Yammer. Microsoft will continue to expand this experience to include feedback from all Microsoft 365 products over time. Microsoft will also be building upon this experience with summarized feedback insights, ability for admins to triage/route feedback and transparency into feedback responses.

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What you need to do to prepare

To get the best experience, ensure that feedback policy settings are enabled for your organization (announced in MC250671).

You must be an admin or have the reports reader role to view this experience.

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