MC237975 – Updated April 22, 2021: Based on customer feedback Microsoft will not be moving forward with the retirement of the Top Senders and recipient report, at this time. Thank you for your feedback and you can safely disregard this message.
***Original message***
Microsoft will be retiring the feature the Top Senders and recipient report from Microsoft defender for office 365 beginning June 14th, 2021. Instead they recommend the utilization of the Threat protection status report (View email security reports in the Security & Compliance Center – Office 365 | Microsoft Docs), which is where Microsoft will continue to invest.
The PowerShell cmdlet associated with the Top senders and recipient report which is Get-MailTrafficSummaryReport(Get-MailTrafficSummaryReport (ExchangePowerShell) | Microsoft Docs) will be retired as well.
Key Points:
How this will affect your organization:
You are receiving this message because Microsoft’s reporting indicates one or more users in your organization are using the Top Senders and recipient report. Moving forward Microsoft recommends using the Threat protection status report: Threat protection status report
What you need to do to prepare:
Instead of using Top Senders and recipient report, Microsoft recommends using the Threat protection status report. You may consider updating your training and documentation as appropriate.
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