M365 Changelog: Outlook – Changes in how feedback is submitted

MC257051 – Microsoft is updating how and where feedback is submitted inside Outlook. Feedback can still be submitted from inside Outlook, but you will notice changes in the submission process. This is rolling out across desktop, web, mobile and Mac.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 81967.

When this will happen

Microsoft will begin rolling this out in early June and expect to complete rollout late June.

How this will affect your organization

When this update rolls out, users will see an upgraded experience to submit feedback about Outlook directly to the product team. This roll out will also grant admins more control on what kind of feedback users can submit.

Outlook for iOS:

Microsoft is updating the experience and the menu names. New menu: Settings > Help & Feedback > Send Feedback

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Outlook for Android:

New menu: Settings > Help & feedback > Send feedback

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The new Outlook for Mac:

Microsoft is updating the menu to: Help > Give Feedback. When users click on that, they will see the below in-app window to submit their feedback without leaving Outlook

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Outlook for Windows:

The menu Help > Suggest a Feature will now show:

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Outlook for mobile browsers:

With this update, users can submit feedback without leaving the app.

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Outlook on the web:

Microsoft is updating the UX for how to submit feedback. The new experience is below and includes options for the user to be contacted and submit a screenshot.

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Note:You can manage and control if you want your users to submit screenshots or their contact information when submitting feedback via admin policies here.

What you need to do to prepare

You might want to notify your users about this new capability and update your training and documentation as appropriate.