M365 Changelog: New Feature: SharePoint spaces Embed web part

MC294527 – Embed web part in SharePoint spaces will allow users to insert HTML pages as web parts in a SharePoint space. Space viewers will see a thumbnail image in the 3D space that can be viewed as a fully functional HTML overlay when selected by the user. Space viewers that are using a mixed reality headset will only see the thumbnail when selecting the web part unless they return to the browser to interact with the embedded content.

This new feature release will allow users to add content such as:

  • Microsoft Forms
  • The PowerPoint embed viewer
  • SharePoint Pages
  • Power Apps

This will roll out on Desktop, Web, Mobile, and Mac.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 70732.

When this will happen:

Targeted release (select users and entire org): will begin rolling this out in early November and expect to complete rollout mid-November.

Standard release: will begin rolling this out in mid-November and expect to complete rollout late November.

How this will affect your organization:

SharePoint spaces authors will see a new web part available in the spaces web part toolbox.

this image has been lost in time

What you need to do to prepare:

You might want to notify your users about this new capability and update your training and help desk documentation as appropriate.

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