M365 Changelog: Manage the health of Microsoft Teams Rooms devices

MC273627 – Updated September 28, 2021: Microsoft has updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

This coming feature update will allow you to control the impact of peripherals on the health of Microsoft Teams Rooms (Windows) devices. You will obtain visibility into how peripheral issues affect the health, and experience of the meeting room devices. Before this update, the health evaluation was done by the Teams admin center system. With the new feature, you will be able to customize the health evaluation to what is best for your organization.

This feature will not impact any legacy configuration or setup of your organization.

When this will happen:

Microsoft will begin rolling this out in late August and expect to complete rollout early October (previously early September).

How this will affect your organization:

By default, if a peripheral gets disconnected, the health status of the Teams Rooms device becomes Critical. Now, if you feel Critical is not warranted, from the device page, you can configure the health impact to be Non-Urgent or Healthy (No impact).

  • If the impact is configured to be Non-urgent for a peripheral category (e.g. display, speaker) that gets disconnected, the health status of the Teams Rooms device will become Non-urgent instead of Critical.
    • These issues will be categorized in the Non-urgent section of the Health status panel.
  • If the impact is configured to be No impact for a peripheral category that gets disconnected, the health status of the Teams Rooms device will stay Healthy instead of Critical.
    • The issues will not show up in the health status panel if the configuration is set to No impact.

Configure (Non-urgent) how status of each peripheral impacts health status

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Non-urgent configuration for a peripheral category

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Health panel showing categorization of issues

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This new feature provides you a new control to manage the health signals of the Teams devices at a more granular level. If you do not change the default setup, there will be no change in how things currently function and there will be no impact on the end-user of these devices.

  • Any workflow built on top of health status, like Alerts,can also be controlled through this feature.

Note: If the health impact of the peripherals is reduced in severity, admins may not notice the issues if they arise. Therefore, caution is advised for high priority devices that require closer monitoring.

What you need to do to prepare:

You do not need to do anything to prepare for this change. If the system default options work for your organization, you can continue with those and no change is required.

Please feel free to contact us in case of any clarifications.