MC514981 – Updated February 23, 2023: Microsoft has updated the content below with additional information. Thank you for your patience.
Today Microsoft is announcing our intention to rebrand Yammer into Viva Engage in order to provide a consistent and delightful experience to our customers. This change will happen across all existing Yammer surfaces– including web, mobile, and integrations (Embed, SharePoint and Outlook) and will occur throughout 2023. In the coming months you can expect Yammer to become Viva Engage through the update of brand elements like logo, app icon and name.
When this will happen:
The first stage of this rebrand happened last year with the rebranding of the Yammer Communities app for Teams into Viva Engage. The rest of rebrand will occur incrementally, starting with the mobile apps (iOS & Android) and the Communities app for Outlook updating their app icons and name in March 2023. Microsoft will communicate other endpoints like the web and embed experiences as the company makes progress. Microsoft will continue sending message center alerts and provide details and resources to help your organization understand, prepare, and communicate these changes.
In late February, as Microsoft prepares for the Yammer mobile app changes, it will add an in-app banner with relevant information around the switch. At the same time, the app name in the Google Play and App Store will be updated to “Yammer (Viva Engage)” and there will be no change to the installed app name or icon.
In mid-to-late March, the installed apps will update to the “Viva Engage” name and icon, updates may be automatic depending on your settings.
The app name in the Google Play and App Store will be updated to “Viva Engage (Yammer)” and the icon will be updated to the Viva Engage icon. Search by “Yammer” will continue to display the app as the top result.
Notifications will be updated to the Viva Engage name and icon, a reference to Yammer will remain until later this year.
All Yammer references in the app will be updated to Viva Engage, and there will be a pop up informing the change as well as a banner directing users to the public blog post about the rebrand with more information around what’s changing and the timeline.
How this will affect your organization:
There will be no impact to the existing profile, posts, bookmarks, etc. All rebranding updates don’t require additional actions; changes will be automatic. Outside of branding changes, there are no changes to the features, capabilities and investments for Microsoft 365 customers. You will continue to experience and benefit from the power of Viva Engage just as you did with Yammer.
Previous Microsoft Viva Changelog Messages
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