MC402427 – At Microsoft Inspire, Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO, announced Microsoft Viva Engage, the newest app in Microsoft Viva, designed to help people and teams to be their best, have a voice, and feel included in the workplace. Viva Engage brings people together across the organization to connect with leaders and coworkers, find answers to questions, share their unique story, and find belonging at work. Viva Engage builds on Yammer, and brings together Yammer’s experiences—communities, open conversations, and personalized discovery—with new capabilities for self-expression and sharing through storyline and stories, and upcoming innovations.
See our blog post on the Microsoft Viva blog.
Introducing Microsoft Viva Engage – YouTube
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 93409
When this will happen:
The rollout of the Viva Engage brand change from the Communities app will occur in late August. However, the rollout of the UX changes from the Communities app to Viva Engage experience will begin in late August, and complete by the end of September.
How this will affect your organization:
The new Viva Engage app replaces the Communities app in Teams. This change does not make any underlying changes to any existing functionality provided by existing Yammer services. On web, mobile and desktop, and the Yammer apps for iOS and Android remain the hero standalone experiences for employee engagement. In Teams, Viva Engage will directly replace the Communities app, such as in the app bar or in the Teams admin center. There are no changes to administrative controls.
Viva Engage will continue to show the same network, home feed, and communities as you see today as in Yammer. Viva Engage will also continue respecting any custom re-branding done for the Communities app.
As a part of this release, posts in storylines will also be released under preview. See MC402424: Storyline available for public preview in Yammer and Microsoft Viva Engage beginning late August.
As with the Communities app, the new Viva Engage app will continue to require an existing Yammer license.
What you need to do to prepare:
Update any existing internal information you may have prepared for your organization regarding the Communities app in Teams to reflect the new Viva Engage app in Teams. Viva Engage will be included in the current Yammer pricing model at no additional cost.
Learn more:
Previous Microsoft Viva Changelog Messages
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