MC454809 – Updated December 1, 2022: Microsoft updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Microsoft is excited to announce the upcoming launch of the new webinar experience. This experience is an intuitive end-to-end webinar solution addressing key feedback received since the initial webinar launch last year and is built to scale for advanced webinars in the future. The new webinar will be found by clicking the New Meeting dropdown in the calendar app and selecting Webinar.
With the launch of the new webinar experience, Microsoft is introducing a new policy called Teams Event Policy to TAP IT Admins and TAP customers. This policy (Settings: AllowWebinars and EventAccessType) will control the new webinar experience, and the current webinar experience will be controlled by the existing Teams Meeting Policy (Settings: AllowMeetingRegistration and WhoCanRegister). As Microsoft makes this transition from the current and existing webinar experience to a new one, it’s giving you the option to either use the new, current/existing, or no webinar experience. When Microsoft launch the new webinar experience, this experience will by default be ON (AllowWebinars: ON).
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 86826
When this will happen:
The new webinar experience is targeted for rollout starting in early December (previously late November) and is expected to be completed by late December (previously early December).
How this affects your organization:
If you currently have existing webinar turned:
Here are all possible options in summary with existing Teams Meeting Policy and the new Teams Events Policy:
If you want to just to enable the existing webinar experience and not the new one, you need to take action and turn AllowWebinar to OFF and ensure AllowMeetingRegistration is ON.
You can configure the new events policy using Powershell cmdlets:New-CsTeamsEventsPolicy, Set-CsTeamsEventsPolicy, Grant-CsTeamsEventsPolicy, Get-CsTeamsEventsPolicy, Remove-CsTeamsEventsPolicy
If you currently leverage the flow of adding registration to a meeting by using the registration option, this experience will continue to work as is and will not be impacted by this change as long as AllowMeetingRegistration is ON. In the future, after this transition period, Microsoft will only allow use of the new webinar via the Webinar entry point or no webinar at all and it will provide notice via future MC posts of this change.
What you need to do to prepare:
If you want to enable the existing webinar experience and not the new one, you need to take action and turn AllowWebinar to OFF and ensure AllowMeetingRegistration is ON.
Learn More:
Previous Microsoft Teams Changelog Messages
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