MC484251 – Outlook for Windows will support S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) sign and encryption as sensitivity label outcome. If admins define the label to have S/MIME sign, encryption, or both and emails with those labels will enforce S/MIME accordingly.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 100062
When this will happen:
Current Channel Preview: Microsoft has started rolling this out and expects to complete by mid-December 2022.
Current Channel: Microsoft will begin rolling mid-Dec 2022 and expect to complete by early Jan 2023.
How this will affect your organization:
If you are using Outlook for Win32 built-in labeling, and you have S/MIME label enabled, you will see those S/MIME label shows up in your Outlook for windows Sensitivity dropdown menu, and you could apply those labels with S/MIME certificate to enforce S/MIME sign or encryption, or both.
What you need to do to prepare:
If you do not use S/MIME on emails, this will not impact you.
If you do want to use S/MIME on emails, please refer to how to set that up on labels.
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