MC405987 – IT admins may notice that Microsoft Teams Real-Time Analytics history is currently available for 7 days instead of the usual 24 hours. This is part of an ongoing public preview of this functionality before release as part of the Microsoft Teams Advanced Communications add-on license.
When this will happen:
This feature is currently available as part of public preview.
How this will affect your organization:
When an IT admin uses Real-Time Analytics to view the telemetry of a user in a Teams meeting, they will be able to access the telemetry data for up to 7 days. When this preview concludes, the behavior for organizations without the Advanced Communications add-on licensing in place will return to the default 24 hours.
What you need to do to prepare:
During this time, Microsoft encourages IT admins to continue to use Real-Time Analytics to support Microsoft Teams users in their organizations and evaluate the advantages provided by the extended history. IT admins who wish to continue using the extended history should consider acquiring the Advanced Communications add-on license.
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