MC346906 – As a follow up to MC291661 (October ’21) Microsoft wanted to share that this feature was launched and enables users to toggle features, such as transcripts, on and off for all viewers in the web player. Audio and video files must be stored in OneDrive and SharePoint. In the original announcement, Microsoft shared there would be a toggle for Comments. The toggle for Comments has been postponed and will be coming in the future. Microsoft apologizes for any confusion. Below is a summary of what is available today.
New capability only for video/audio file owners.
Note: Only users with edit access to the video or audio will see video settings and be able to turn features on or off.
How this will affect your organization
Users will see a Video settings button in the upper right-hand corner of any video or audio file stored in OneDrive or SharePoint that they own.
This video settings button expands to a panel where they can turn on/off features such as transcription/captions for all viewers for a particular video.
What you need to do to prepare
You might want to notify your users about this new capability and update your training and documentation as appropriate.
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