M365 Changelog: Microsoft OneDrive – PDF Annotation and Interactable Form Fields

MC565167 – Using the “Edit” action in Microsoft OneDrive for the Web, you can seamlessly annotate with hand-drawn ink into your PDF documents and have your modifications automatically saved to your OneDrive account. Additionally, OneDrive for Web allows you to interact with form fields, making it simple for editing and modifying PDF documents.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 124802

When this will happen:

Targeted Release: Microsoft will begin rolling out in late May 2023 and expect to complete rollout by early June 2023.

Standard Release: Microsoft will begin rolling out in early June 2023 and expect to complete rollout by late June 2023.

How this will affect your organization:

Steps to annotate with hand-drawn ink using Edit action on OneDrive for Web:

  1. Open the desired PDF file to be annotated in OneDrive for Web.
  2. Click on the Edit action at the top left corner of the screen to enter the annotation edit mode.
  3. You can use up to four annotation types available at the middle left of the screen.
  4. You can modify the color or stroke thickness of the annotation by clicking on the pencil or highlighter a second time.
  5. Once done with the annotations, use the Save action located at the top left corner of the screen to exit annotation edit mode and save all changes made to the PDF document.

View image in new tab
View image in new tab

Steps to interact with PDF document that has form fields on OneDrive for Web:

  1. Open the desired PDF file that contains interactable form fields in OneDrive for Web.
  2. Click on a form field to begin interacting with it.
  3. Press Enter to complete your edits or use the TAB key to navigate to the next interactable form field.
  4. After making all necessary changes to the form fields, select the Save option located in the top left corner of the screen to save all modifications made to the PDF document.

What you need to do to prepare:

You may want to notify your users about this new capability and update your training and documentation as appropriate.