M365 Changelog: Microsoft Defender for Office 365 – Scheduling recurring reports for Mailflow status report – Mail flow view

MC672522 – Microsoft is introducing recurring schedule for the Mail flow view of the Mail flow status report. 

When this will happen:

Standard: Microsoft will begin rolling out in early September 2023 and will complete roll out by Mid-September 2023

GCC, GCCHigh and DoD: Microsoft will begin rolling out in late September 2023 and will complete roll out by early October 2023

How this will affect your organization:

Tenant Admins with the appropriate permissions will be able to schedule offline Mail flow view report to be sent to an email address provided on a frequent basis.

“Create Schedule” in the user interface:

Create Schedule
View image in new tab

email schedule sent: 

email schedule
View image in new tab

What you need to do to prepare:

The purpose of this communication is for awareness. Admins should also update their training documentation as they see fit. 

Additional information