M365 Changelog: Audit – New Stream Logs for Microsoft Purview Audit Standard Users

MC686916 – Microsoft Purview is expanding access to wider cloud security activity events for Microsoft Stream. As part of the changes, standard users of Purview Audit will begin to generate 5 new Microsoft Stream events that were previously generated only for Audit Premium licensed users. The following events will now be provided for all Audit Standard users:

  1. StreamInvokeGetTranscript
  2. StreamInvokeChannelView
  3. StreamInvokeGettExtTrack
  4. StreamInvokeGetVideo
  5. StreamInvokeGroupView

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 180738

When this will happen:

Rollout will begin in early November 2023 and is expected to be complete by mid-November 2023. 

How this will affect your organization:

All Audit Standard users will begin to generate the following Stream events:

  1. StreamInvokeGetTranscript
  2. StreamInvokeChannelView
  3. StreamInvokeGettExtTrack
  4. StreamInvokeGetVideo
  5. StreamInvokeGroupView

What you need to do to prepare:

No special activation instructions for Stream event activation.