M365 Changelog: Important changes to Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform predefined and imported Solution security role updates June 13, 2022

MC391928 – Microsoft has made a change to predefined and imported Solution security role updates within the Power Platform. Power Platform administrators are now able to update predefined Dataverse security roles’ privileges or imported Solution security role’s privileges, and these updates will not be reverted to system settings during subsequent system/solution updates. This change allows for use of the system’s predefined security roles, such as Environment Maker and Basic User, which can be customized based on business needs. Updated predefined security roles can be reset to the default system settings by removing all the updates.

This change has rolled out to all regions except North America, where it will be available after June 17, 2022.

How does this affect me?
Based on your business requirements, you may need to modify the privileges of the Environment Maker security role in your default Dataverse environment to remove the Canvas app share privilege so makers cannot share their apps.

Please also note that, when you add or remove privileges from the predefined security roles, it affects your application and user experience. Subsequent releases of the application may not work for users who are assigned to the modified predefined security role. New role privileges can continue to be added by Solution/system updates.

If you have any questions concerning this change, please contact Microsoft Support.