MC295841 – As a follow-up to the classic Exchange admin center (EAC) retirement announcement (MC283874 – Sept), Microsoft wants to let Exchange Online customers know that they will be retiring the mail flow features from the classic EAC beginning in early December 2021.
You are receiving this message because Microsoft’s reporting indicates one or more users in your organization are using the classic EAC.
Mail flow features that Microsoft is retiring from the classic EAC include:
Key points
How this will affect your organization:
Exchange admins will no longer be able to access these pages once this change occurs. Beginning now, if an admin clicks on any of the above feature links in the classic EAC, a banner with a link to the new home for these features will be displayed to make it easier to locate the new home for these features.
What you need to do to prepare:
Instead of using the classic EAC for these features, begin using the modern EAC now.
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