MC284358 – Earlier this year, through the Supervised Chat feature, Microsoft provided the capability to block restricted users from starting new chats unless an appropriate supervisor is present.
Microsoft is continuing to iterate on this experience and soon they will provide another tool for supervisors to be able to delete any inappropriate chat within those supervised environments.
The ability to delete chats will ONLY be available for users assigned the “Full permissions” role within the Chat permissions role policy within the Messaging policy options.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 82939
When this will happen:
Microsoft will start releasing the feature mid-September and it will be rolled out to all tenants by mid-October.
How this will affect your organization:
This feature will be turned off by default for all tenants. To turn on the functionality within the Messaging policy options, switch the following policy to True: AllowFullSupervisionUsersToDeleteOthersChatMessages.
Once you have done that, users that you have assigned Full Permissions will now have the ability to delete individual chats.
What you need to do to prepare:
Assess within your tenant who you might want to provide the functionality of deleting chats. Only those who have Supervised Chat turned on AND assigned the role “Full Permission” will have the ability to delete chats.
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