M365 Changelog: Change in display of hierarchical sensitivity labels

MC234256 –

Updated March 17, 2021: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

This feature update does not apply to EDU tenants.

We are updating how the Teams channel header displays hierarchical sensitivity labels to provide improved exposure to the confidentiality status of content in a channel.

Key points

  • Timing: late May (previously mid-March) through end of June (previously mid-April)
  • Roll-out: tenant level
  • Action: review and assess (or other)

How this will affect your organization

Currently, the Teams channel header displays the child label for hierarchical sensitivity labels (e.g., Confidential > Finance) in the channel header. We will now display the parent label rather than the child label. In this example, Confidential > Finance, we will display Confidential in the channel header rather than Finance.

This will provide improved exposure to confidentiality status of content in the channel.

this image has been lost in time

What you need to do to prepare

You might want to notify your users about this updated feature and update your training and documentation as appropriate.