M365 Changelog: Adding additional field to Reported Issues that associates reported issues to active incidents or advisories.

MC241171 – We are adding a new column for the ‘Reported issues’ view in the Service Health page. We will be adding an ‘Issues’ column that will link recently reported issues from the Report an Issue feature to an Incident or Advisory if applicable.

When this will happen

This will start to roll out beginning the last week of February and will be completed by mid March.

How this will affect your organization

When an admin uses the feature ‘Report an Issue’ from the Service health page, there is an entry that is logged under the ‘Reported issues’ tab. Using Report an Issue helps Microsoft identify issues quicker, in which we can then communicate the issue via an Advisory or Incident. In the ‘Reported issues’ tab we will be adding an additional column which will have the associated incident/advisory that your reported issue help identify. Microsoft may not be able to associate every reported issue to an actual advisory or incident and in those cases we will mark the column as ‘No Issue found’ after a period of investigation.

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What you need to do to prepare

There is nothing you need to do to prepare for this change. Once available for your organization, you will see the new column appear in the Reported issues table under the Service Health page.