M365 Changelog: (Updated) Microsoft Defender for Office 365 – Quarantine Notifications enabled for Preset Security Policies

MC505088 – Updated March 22, 2023: Microsoft has updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Microsoft is updating the recommended quarantine notification policy in the Standard and Strict preset security policies.

PolicyQuarantine PolicyStandardStrict
Anti-Phish  TargetedUserQuarantineTagDefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicyDefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy
Anti-Phish  TargetedDomainQuarantineTagDefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicyDefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy
Anti-Phish  MailboxIntelligenceQuarantineTagDefaultFullAccessPolicyDefaultFullAccessPolicy
Anti-malware  QuarantineTagAdminOnlyAccessPolicyAdminOnlyAccessPolicy
Safe AttachmentsQuarantineTagAdminOnlyAccessPolicyAdminOnlyAccessPolicy

With the DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy, Users will receive quarantine notifications for emails quarantined due to the corresponding threat policy.

Here is what the quarantine notification looks like: 

quarantine notification
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When this will happen:

Microsoft will begin rolling this out in mid-February 2023 and complete rolling out by mid-April 2023 (previously mid-March).

How this will affect your organization:

If your organization has enabled preset security policies, these will be automatically updated to include the quarantine notification policies (DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy) as listed in the above table for the standard and strict protection preset profiles.

What you need to do to prepare:

No action required. Please review the following links to learn more: