Limit Creation of Top-Level Exchange Public Folders

Last Update: Sep 24, 2024 | Published: Jan 07, 2009


In Exchange 2000/2003 Server, can anyone create new Public Folders? How can I limit the creation of top-level Exchange Public Folders?

The highest Public Folder in a hierarchy is called a Top-Level Public Folder. By default, all users in the Exchange Organization can create Top-Level Public Folders; however, you can change the default with the Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) Edit tool, which is part of the Windows 2000/2003 Support Tools (in the supporttools folder on the CD-ROM):

  1. Start the ADSI Edit utility (Start, Programs, Windows 2000 Support Tools, Tools, ADSI Edit).
  2. Double-click Configuration Container.
  3. Expand CN=Configuration, CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange. Right-click your organizational names container, and select Properties.

toplevel pf small

  1. Select the Security tab.
  2. Click Advanced.

toplevel pf2 small

  1. On the Permissions tab, find the entry with a name of Everyone and a permission of “Create top level public folder.”
  2. Select the Deny check box.

toplevel pf3 small

  1. Click OK to exit all the dialog boxes.
  2. Close the ADSI Edit utility.

Note: Beware, this will also prevent you from adding top-level PFs, so if you dont want to stop yourself from doing so, you can use specific groups of users instead of the Everyone system group.