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Jason Wynn

Petri Contributor

I started in the mailroom at Microsoft, in Dallas, Texas when I was 22 and now, I am a Microsoft MVP, working towards my 5th year running. My passion is Microsoft Teams and working in a hybrid office collaboratively. I am a Principal Technology Strategist for multiple award-winning Microsoft Gold Partner Content+Cloud. I am a director of my own blogging company, Jollie.Us LTD, I run a Microsoft Cloud User Group with fellow MVP’s and co-host a successful podcast - All About 365 with Jay & Steve. I thrive on bringing Microsoft knowledge to the local community.


What is a Virtual Server?

Using virtual machines (VM) and virtual servers is no new task. We have been working with the concept of providing time-sharing solutions since the late 1960s and early 1970s. This was because the cost of using mainframe computers was extortionate and logically it made more economical sense to utilize time sharing. With the release of…

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How to Create Retention Policies for Microsoft Teams

I work with many legal and regulatory organizations that require no retention period for Microsoft Teams channels and their users’ chats. Other industries dictate that the information must be retained for 7 years while other customers don’t want to let go of any information and retain their chats indefinitely. This blog post will assist you…

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Guide: How to Migrate Tenant to Tenant Telephone Numbers in Office 365

Microsoft Teams has grown massively in the last 12 months, growing from 44 million active users in April 2020 to over 145 Million users in April 2021. But the business world doesn’t stop; mergers, acquisitions, divestitures is part of the everyday challenge for the IT Pro. Voice and how we use voice in Microsoft Teams…

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How to Create Custom Themes For Microsoft Teams Rooms

As we start the new way of working in the second half of 2021, whether it’s back into the office or working hybrid, one aspect we often see left behind are your meeting spaces. As organizations come back into the office, meeting rooms will no longer meet their collaborative requirements. We often see when people…

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How to Disable the Cortana Services in Microsoft 365

With Microsoft 365, Cortana can pose a challenge for unintended data retention – if you are looking to disable Cortana for a single user or across your org, here is how to do that.

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Understanding and Configuring Operator Connect for Microsoft Teams

During Microsoft Ignite 2021, Voices matter: Reconnect with Microsoft Teams Calling, Microsoft introduced a new technology that allows for connectivity from other telephone providers into Microsoft Teams called Operator Connect.  You might be thinking, “we’ve been doing that for years?!” and you’d be right.  Partners and customers have been able to integrate Session Border Controllers…

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