With each flavor of Exchange, from legacy versions (2007/2010) to the current 2013 flavor, enhancements make it possible to maintain greater availability. But because load balancing the traffic and preparing for an availability issue requires more than what Exchange offers out of the box, some administrators have attempted to rely on DNS round-robin or Windows Network Load Balancing, which is fine… in a lab. In this webinar, Exchange MVP J. Peter Bruzzese will take you through some of the enhancements we’ve seen to Exchange over the years and dive into where load balancing on an enterprise level requires an enterprise-grade load balancing solution, hardware-based or virtual (yes, even with Exchange 2013… contrary to popular belief). Toward the end, J. Peter will review with the audience load balancing options for Microsoft Exchange from Kemp Technologies. He’ll explain a bit about the company and review the features relating to Exchange available through the Kemp Technologies LoadMaster product line.