You can find a transcript of the conversation in our forums.
We’ve started a new, twice-monthly interview show on that will cover topics of (hopefully) high interest to our tech-professional audience. We are calling this show “MJFChat.”
I — Mary Jo Foley, Petri’s Community Magnate — will be interviewing a variety of IT-savvy folks. Some of these will be Petri contributors; some will be tech-company employees; some will be IT pros. We will be tackling various subject areas in the form of 30-minute audio interviews. I will be asking the questions, the bulk of which we’re hoping will come from you, our community of readers.
We will ask for questions a week ahead of each chat. Readers can post their suggested questions in the designated “MJFChat” area in our forums. Once the interviews are completed — and hopefully on the same day the interview is done — we will post the audio and associated transcript in the forums for readers to digest at their leisure.
Our second MJFChat, scheduled for Monday March 18, is between me and Lorraine Bardeen, Microsoft’s General Manager of Engineering for Dynamics 365 Mixed Reality Apps. The general topic of our chat is why it’s not too early to start learning about Microsoft’s new mixed-reality apps.
Microsoft recently announced its second-generation HoloLens device. But the real stars of the show were the new Azure services and Dynamics 365 mixed-reality apps that Microsoft is building for HoloLens and iOS/Android devices. Some believe mixed-reality is so far from being usable in reality that it’s not relevant. But a growing number of businesses are finding enough potential use cases that they’re gearing up to implement mixed-reality devices and apps. We’ll be talking about what these apps are; who is using them already; how bringing them to iPhone and Android phones could be a game changer; and other HoloLens and mixed-reality-related topics. Make sure to submit your best questions ahead of next Monday!
If you know someone you’d like to see interviewed on the MJFChat show, including yourself, send me a note at [email protected]. (Let me know why you think this person would be an awesome guest and what topics you’d like to see covered.) We’ll take things from there….