We’re doing a twice-monthly interview show on Petri.com that is dedicated to covering topics of interest to our tech-professional audience. We have branded this show “MJFChat.”
In my role as Petri’s Community Magnate, I will be interviewing a variety of IT-savvy technology folks. Some of these will be Petri contributors; some will be tech-company employees; some will be IT pros. We will be tackling various subject areas in the form of 30-minute audio interviews. I will be asking the questions, the bulk of which we’re hoping will come from you, our Petri.com community of readers.
We will ask for questions a week ahead of each chat. Readers can submit questions via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and/or LinkedIn using the #AskMJF hashtag. Once the interviews are completed, we will post the audio and associated transcript in the forums for readers to digest at their leisure. (By the way, did you know MJFChats are now available in podcast form? Go here for MJF Chat on Spotify; here for Apple Podcasts on iTunes; and here for Google Play.)
Our next MJFChat, scheduled for Monday, April 27, is all about Microsoft’s Power Platform — its collection of PowerApps, Power BI and Power Automate (Flow). My special guest is Microsoft Principal Advocate for Power Platform, Dona Sarkar. We want you to submit your best questions for Dona ahead of our chat.
Dona is ready to answer any and all questions concerning how folks who don’t identify as programmers can develop all kinds of apps and services using Power Platform. She’s got tips, tricks and suggestions for newbies, as well as some specific ideas for those working with mixed-reality technologies who want to take advantage of Microsoft’s low code/no-code technologies.
Also: If you know someone you’d like to see interviewed on the MJFChat show, including yourself, send me a note at [email protected] (Let me know why you think this person would be an awesome guest and what topics you’d like to see covered.) We’ll take things from there….
Mary Jo Foley (00:00):
Hi, you’re listening to the Petri.com MJF Chat Show. I am Mary Jo Foley, AKA your Petri.com community magnet. And I’m here to interview tech industry experts about various topics that you, our readers and listeners want to know about. Today’s MJF Chat is going to be all about Microsoft’s Power Platform, which is a collection of tools including Power Apps, Power Automate and Power BI. And we’re going to throw in a couple of HoloLens related questions for good measure. My special guest today is Donna Sarkar, who is Microsoft’s Principal Advocate for the Power Platform.
Mary Jo Foley (00:38):
Welcome Donna. And thank you so much for doing this chat.
Dona Sarkar (00:42):
Hey everyone. Thank you Mary Jo for having me. As you know, I’m a huge fan of the Power Platform, so it’s an honor to be on the show sharing all of my 2 cents with all of you about what’s going on.
Mary Jo Foley (00:54):
Excellent. And no one can see this because it’s audio only, but Donna is in her studio and so I can see all these beautiful fabrics behind her and it looks really lovely. But alas, we’re only doing audio today.
Dona Sarkar (01:09):
Oh well don’t worry if you see any of the bills through build previews, you will see me in my [inaudible] during all my segments. So look out for that.
Mary Jo Foley (01:17):
Okay, sweet. So I think an interesting place to start this chat might be you telling our listeners, many of whom knew you first when you were the head of the Windows Insider Program, how and why you ended up with this new job that you have as an advocate for the Power Platform.
Dona Sarkar (01:37):
Yeah, of course. So as many of you know, I’ve met so many of you around the world the last four or five years. I loved the Windows Insider Program. It was so, and I still love the Windows Insider Program still an Insider, still running Fast Ring, still yelling at the team. I loved that job. It was so cool. So interesting. What I loved about it the most was being able to meet people from all over the world where they were. And understand how they’re using tech to improve their lives and improve their businesses. I always found it so fascinating to talk to someone in Australia about their implementing you know, Windows in pre-release format to figure out what’s coming up earlier than everyone in their company in six months because they’re going to save a bunch of time and resources.
Dona Sarkar (02:24):
And this was like on a sheep farm somewhere. It was always so fascinating to me to hear these stories. It’s amazing. And then after about four years of doing this, I realized one thing that I was really starting to miss was being very hands-on with technology. Inside Ring was great, but the actual dev aspect, building things was not the primary part of the job. I am a dev, I have been in dev for 18 years, cause I’m old.
Mary Jo Foley (02:55):
Not that old.
Dona Sarkar (02:58):
I feel like it a bit, but this amazing opportunity came up to lead advocacy out of the Cloud Advocates org for this new thing called Power Platform. And I was so curious about what this even meant because I’d use Power Apps before and of course I’d used Flow and Power Automate a few times, but that’s all I knew about this thing.
Dona Sarkar (03:19):
So I dug in a little bit and realized the audience is so interesting because there are really three kinds of people who use our platform that I had known of at that time. One was the standard professional career dev who are like, yeah, I hate writing iOS apps so I’m going to use Power Apps to do it. That was my category of people. Second one were people who worked in IT and they used Flow at the time, now Power Automate to automate ridiculous tasks that they have to do all the time, like trigger a flow when this machine finishes installing, you know, that kind of thing. So I thought that was really cool. Like, wow, what a cool productivity hack that you’ve come up with. And then the third category, were these people who usually don’t hang out in the Microsoft circles, which are, we call them citizen devs.
Dona Sarkar (04:10):
It’s kind of a random term, but it makes sense in some ways. So these are people who have a totally, who come from a completely different other industry, like they’re school teachers and bus drivers and bricklayers and security guards, and they work in nonprofit sector. They don’t consider themselves to be computer scientists or techies or tinkers or any of the things we, most of us consider ourselves and they love our platform. They said this thing has changed my life. It’s changed the way I do my work. It’s changed my career. I gave up my job, I’ve become a tech person. I work in IT because of the Power Platform. And I absolutely fell in love with that idea of being able to work on something that actually changes people’s lives.
Dona Sarkar (04:55):
So I said, you know what this is one of those once in lifetime chances where you let go of something that you really love, to go do something that you’re slightly afraid of. But you have a huge impact. So yeah, I did it.
Mary Jo Foley (05:06):
That’s awesome.
Dona Sarkar (05:06):
It was a very hard decision. It was an incredibly hard decision. There’s nothing simple about it at all.
Mary Jo Foley (05:12):
Yeah, I’m sure, I’m sure. When somebody says to you, what is the Power Platform? And they want like your elevator pitch, like something you can say to them in 30 seconds. How do you explain this in a succinct way?
Dona Sarkar (05:27):
I love that question. So Power Platform is a low code platform that lets people who are not software developers build iOS and Android apps, build websites, build chatbots, build automation, and build AI without actually having to go get a computer science degree or crack open Visual Studio.
Mary Jo Foley (05:48):
That’s great. That’s a perfect explanation. And you also in that, touched on a couple things I want to ask you about because when I look at the power of platform, I think I overthink it, right? Like there’s so many pieces to it. And when somebody asks me that question, I’m like, well, there’s, you know, Power Apps and there’s also Common Data Service and then there’s Power Virtual Agents and there’s this and that. And I’m like, wait, I just made that so complicated. But a couple of these things I think bear a further explanation like Power Virtual Agents, right?
Dona Sarkar (06:19):
Yeah, absolutely.
Mary Jo Foley (06:21):
That’s an AI thing, right? But what is it exactly?
Dona Sarkar (06:24):
What is it? Okay, so chatbots and virtual agents are something that we run into all the time. So if you go to any insurance page, insurance companies page or a telephone companies page, there’s a little window that pops up that says, hi, I’m a virtual agent. Can I answer your questions? And many times you’ll have virtual agents in companies that will do automatic meeting scheduling and all of this stuff. It just, it takes a set of data that exists just from previous customers inputting that data and it will generate some sort of intelligence from it that predicts that this is probably what you came here to ask. So our virtual agent is a low code technology that’s actually built on top of Microsoft SPOT framework. So all of the work we’ve put into with Azure AI and building up the bot framework has gone into normal people being able to use it to write chatbots without actually writing any code whatsoever.
Dona Sarkar (07:25):
Or even learning what the bot framework is. The goal is no one ever has to look up what the bot framework is to be able to use our virtual agent. I think the coolest functionality and a great starter thing for everyone to do. And you should, everyone should go try this. It’s free and it’s easy. Go find an FAQ page. It doesn’t matter what the FAQ page is, just choose one. It can be yours, it can be some company and go to powervirtualagent.microsoft.com or whatever the URL is. You can find it. Do the trial, the free trial thing and build a chat bot using that FAQ page. There’s like three clicks. You click manage on the right side, click suggested, put in the URL, click generate, and suddenly the questions from that FAQ page get pulled into your chatbot question area. And then the answers get pulled into the answer area. And it is pretty sweet Mary Jo, because the first time I saw that I said that is such a useful, easy thing to show people.
Mary Jo Foley (08:23):
Yep. Is it related at all to AI Builder or is that a separate thing?
Dona Sarkar (08:29):
So AI Builder is separate, AI Builder actually is all over the Power Platform. It works in very mysterious ways.
Dona Sarkar (08:36):
AI Builder is actually just built on top of Azure AI. So power plat is built on Azure and it uses a bunch of Azure functionality in a way where we don’t actually go and need to learn Azure to use it. Because some people love Azure and can learn it and install the Azure portal and discover all the services. Many people are like, I am intimidated and that is very, very terrifying for me to even wrap my head around. Right. So AI Builder actually is this thing that runs I would say under the covers and does a bunch of magic for us. So anytime something is happening kind of automatically, that is AI Builder at work. So some examples, one is of course this FAQ to bot generation. That is really the power of AI builder. The second one that a lot of people don’t know is when you do the very basic Power App generation, you take an Excel spreadsheet and it generates you a Power App. That canvas app building that is AI builder.
Dona Sarkar (09:37):
That’s how it looks at the column headers and says, Oh, it makes sense for these columns to be on this page and that column to be over here and this to be into, you know, a gallery layout view or whatever. So all of that slightly intelligent thinking, is done by AI Builder. So it’s kind of driving intelligence. That said, it’s also a separate thing that you can use. So if you want to do some actual AI work, like I’m sure in your business somewhere, Mary Jo, you’ve got some sort of handwritten process that’s so annoying. Like scanning receipts.
Mary Jo Foley (10:15):
Dona Sarkar (10:17):
Like we all have expense reports, yay. AI Builder is super good at this where it’ll scan the receipts and identify what’s the numerical value and put them all into a table so you can see them all in one place.
Mary Jo Foley (10:29):
Hmm. Nice. Okay, cool. When I first talked to you about doing this chat, I asked you how you wanted to focus it and you said definitely for people who are new to the Power Platform, but you also threw HoloLens in and you said, and for HoloLens users. Why did you add HoloLens into this mix and how do they, how does HoloLens, specifically fit in with Power Platform?
Dona Sarkar (10:52):
Yeah, I mean it’s me. So of course we’re always going to talk about mixed reality, but there’s actually a relevant use case here. Recently, maybe a month ago, not even, we released private preview of mixed reality in Power Apps. So what that means is now you can build a Power App that has mixed reality embedded into it. So you don’t need to go get a HoloLens device, put it on your head to do a lot of those mixed reality scenarios that you said that are really important.
Dona Sarkar (11:22):
So imagine you want to, you’re an interior designer. You want to figure out if this 3D model chair fits in your living room. You can do that with your iOS or Android phone. You go, get the 3D model and you know, look at it through just the phone screen and figure out where should it go. Does it fit? So it takes holograms, I guess, you know, virtual objects and puts them into the real world just like mixed media does. My favorite though is all of these measuring tools. So one huge, huge use case for HoloLens and every architect has always told us this is being able to measure with a virtual ruler how tall something is. So imagine if I’m building a shelf here in my studio room, I want to be able to figure out how high do I want the shelf before I go place an order at home Depot to get plywood or whatever.
Dona Sarkar (12:19):
So I would, I could just invoke a measuring tool or build a measuring tool into Power Apps that’ll say, okay, start at zero on the ground. And as I’m raising the phone, it raises up to, you know, eye level and how high is that? It’s like six feet or whatever. So it is so fun to see mixed reality and Power Platform come together. It makes me really happy, but the best thing is we are still so early in the product that we’re incredibly open to feedback. So all of you who have not tried it, go try it. Look up Power Platform or Power Apps, mixed reality. You’ll come to a blog post, the very bottom of the blog post, there’s an email address, email that email address, get on the private preview, you’ll join this Team’s group. I’m in it, a whole bunch of people are in it and try out the bits, right?
Dona Sarkar (13:09):
Just install the bits, try them out. And the product team is actively looking for scenarios from customers that they should be building samples and tools and capabilities for. So really do come cocreate with us. It’s in private preview for a reason because we’re not ready to go release it to everyone without some more feedback to people. So.
Mary Jo Foley (13:30):
That’s great. Cool.
Dona Sarkar (13:32):
This is going places. It’s going to be huge this year. So get in, give us your feedback.
Mary Jo Foley (13:37):
Nice. Alright, let’s, let’s get a couple of listener and reader and viewer questions in here. Tammy Schwark asked on Twitter about, it sounds from Twitter, like she’s a newbie and she’s just getting her feet wet with Power Platform. So she says, would Donna recommend digging into both Power Apps and Power Automate at the same time? Or should I start with one before the other when I’m trying to learn all about the Power Platform?
Dona Sarkar (14:07):
I love that. Okay. So just like any coding language, people when they try to do more than one thing, they get confused and overwhelmed. So I’m a big fan that you should go learn one thing. My process for learning is pretty straight forward and I keep using it over and over. One, I do the tutorial. Two, I modify the tutorial to use my pictures, my words, my text strings, you know, add new fields, delete fields. And then, once I understand how, something is built, then I start modifying to be completely different. And in that third phase of modifying to be completely different, that’s when she may want to start adding in Power Automate components and saying, Oh, when I click this button, I would love a flow to be triggered to someone’s phone that something has changed in this field. So that is when she might want to learn Power Automate. I find Power Automate to be very useful when you know what you’re trying to do. Just sitting down and learning Power Automate. Yeah, you can, but I find it way more useful when you say, I wish a thing would happen automatically. What is that thing?
Dona Sarkar (15:17):
Yeah. So I think Power Apps is the place to start. Do the tutorial, modify it, make it your own, build something of your own, and then integrate in Power Automate directly from the Power App itself.
Mary Jo Foley (15:28):
Okay. Speaking of flows, perfect segue into this next question here. Steve Aras on Twitter is a robotic process automation dev, and he wants to know about UI flows. He said, can you give us a brief roadmap? Will Microsoft ever compete in the same space as UiPath and Blue Prism when we’re talking about this kind of UI flow / robotic process automation stuff?
Dona Sarkar (15:56):
Yes. The answer Steve, is yes. Absolutely. UI flows or UI automation, RPA, robotic process automation is a huge, huge opportunity in the world. The number of legacy apps that exist out there that do not have API hooks that we can plug into to automate is like maybe in the high millions.
Dona Sarkar (16:20):
These are all those apps that are built, you know, in the nineties, two thousands, no one thought to have any other way of automating them. And now we’re stuck with all of these legacy, legacy, legacy apps. Pretty much any old financial app, any old government app. We’ve been seeing some of the calls, right? Saying, Hey, does anyone have experience in COBOL?
Mary Jo Foley (16:41):
Right, yep.
Dona Sarkar (16:43):
We want API hooks on that. Right? So the way to get rid of the manual labor of how do I need to do calculations in this app and then generate a total and put the total into this form and then do something with that. Rather than a poor human having to do this work. What we need to do is have the computer do this work for us through UI automation. So the way UI flows works. And I really liked this. It’s super cool.
Dona Sarkar (17:10):
If you haven’t tried it, go try it. There’s a , just on docs.microsoft.com there’s a tutorial using a calculator that helps you do exactly this process. Where you go to choose desktop UI flows. So you go to desktop UI flows, you click step recorder, click it, and then you bring up calculator. You put in a series of numbers, you add them, it generates a value, and then you stop recording. Then you play it back and watch what happens. The exact same thing happens, but without you doing the work. So I love this. I love when technology does our work for us and makes us look smart.
Dona Sarkar (17:46):
And this is a huge opportunity and it’s so in Microsoft’s wheel house because we deal with probably 1 billion companies who have legacy apps, right?
Mary Jo Foley (17:56):
Dona Sarkar (17:56):
This is not that weird for us to deal with. I really appreciate UiPath and all these companies that exist, but we’re in it and we’re here to stay. And we just got into GA a few months ago. We were in private preview for from Ignite. We’re in GA now. The team is really looking for takers and feedback. So Steve, if you have feedback, if you have takers, ping me on Twitter, ping me on LinkedIn, send feedback using the actual feedback mechanism on the page. The team looks at every single piece of feedback. I am not kidding. I watch them do this. They get 24,000 pieces of feedback. They look at 24,000 pieces of feedback, so people send the scenarios that aren’t working for you right now and we will figure out how to make them work.
Mary Jo Foley (18:43):
Nice. Okay. Steve has another question and this is a great one because this is an area that comes up in a lot of Power Platform questions. He’s asking a question about common data service. So I can tell you, I know because I also covered Dynamics 365. Microsoft first when it came out with Power Platform, that was very, it was very much a Dynamics thing, right? It was very much about CRM and ERP and then Microsoft kept expanding and expanding what the Power Platform could be used to extend. So he’s asking about the evolution of data sources, right? He said, I work in a large multinational company that sells various products to millions of people. Each of these products has their own database. So how do you think about common data services you know, what like using just one common data service in your company, how will you reconcile all these different individual databases with the idea that Microsoft’s trying to accomplish with Common Data Service?
Dona Sarkar (19:47):
That is a great question and this is actually a very common situation. Especially in companies where mergers happen or companies where product teams set up their data as to be living somewhere random. I’ve run into this myself where, when a small business gets started, we start by tracking our data in Excel. It’s just what we do. It doesn’t even matter what that business is, it’s just how we do it. So I have from my own personal side business, I have all my inventory written into an Excel spreadsheet. And the main field there that matters is the sku. So everything starts at the sku and goes with how many do we have in inventory, what is the customer feedback, et cetera, et cetera. Now we’ve gotten to the point where we have way too much inventory, way too much feedback and our sales aren’t making sense when put into a flat list like SharePoint list or Excel.
Dona Sarkar (20:41):
And what we need is a relational database that is secure and that I will be able to take the data from and use it across the Power Platform. So the problem with many data sources is you’re going to have to do a bunch of connector magic to use it across things. You’re going to have to, you know, get this connect and get the SAP connector or get the Salesforce connector and connect your data from that data store to Power Apps or you know, whatever it is. And that’s fine. If that is how you want to work, that is absolutely fine. I find it to be very annoying because you have to maintain the connectors. You have to make sure that the data store is up to date. You have to make sure it’s secure. You have to make sure it’s compliant. You have to make sure that the data that’s showing up in the app itself is representative of the data you’ve got in the data store.
Dona Sarkar (21:35):
So I find it to be kind of pain. The benefit of CDS is that you can have all of these data stores connect into CDS. So you can have all of your individual data stores, have the connectors, do their work, plug into CDS, and suddenly you’ve got a few things. One, CDS is meant to be maintained and operated by Power users. You don’t need a database admin. You don’t need, someon who has been an IT pro for 30 years, even though you know, if you have one, yay. Good. The whole point is the person who’s closest to the problem is able to maintain the dataset in those three things that we all care about. One, governance, of course, second, compliance, and third, security. Right now, you know, these are the topics that we hear about all the time. What are you doing about the PII data of your customers? What are you doing about the security over your passwords and who can access this data store and who can not? What does the governance look like in terms of who has access to what, who has read-write capabilities in your company, et cetera.
Dona Sarkar (22:46):
So CDs does all of this work because we’ve built it to be the one data store that really fulfills all of the requirements to get your data, clean it, put it in one place, and be able to access it across the board from Power Platform. So if you’re building a model based app, if you’re building a Power Apps portal, which is the website, or if you’re building a Power Virtual Agent, it really behooves you to put it in CDS.
Mary Jo Foley (23:14):
Okay, nice. All right. Here’s a question that’s another roadmap question. So I don’t know if you can or want to answer this, but it comes from a Microsoft employee whose name is Kurt Shintaku, kurtsh on Twitter. And he works for the state and local government account technology part of Microsoft. So he’s a strategist. He is very anxious for Power Platform in the government computer cloud. He said when can we expect the public timeline for availability of Power Platform features that are missing from the GCC? Like the ability to embed a Power App and Teams in GCC, use data flows in Power Apps and use power query. So I think he’s chomping at the bit for this stuff.
Dona Sarkar (24:02):
Oh yeah. Okay. I totally feel your frustration kurtsh. Especially when you see everyone else in the world and their, you know, public cloud be able to have all the cool stuff and you’re like, why? As you know, there’s a lot of stuff going on with the government right now.
Mary Jo Foley (24:19):
Dona Sarkar (24:20):
And as you know, there’s a lot of stuff going on with technology and the government right now. They’re going through a bit of a, you know, eyeopening experience realizing, Oh we, this digital transformation thing we keep talking about. It’s actually important and it’s very important that we spend the money, do the work and be up to date, especially when situations like what we’re going through right now happen.
Dona Sarkar (24:43):
So kurtsh, I’ll tell you three things. Well, I’ll tell you one thing in three different opportunities. All of your roadmap questions will get answered over the course of the next few months. I definitely am not in the business of revealing roadmap details because I like my job. It makes me very happy. So there are three opportunities for you to get these questions answered. And by the way, a bunch of roadmap stuff will be announced at these times. So please do pay attention. One is May 5th through 7th is the Microsoft Business Apps Summit and it’s virtual. I highly recommend that people go and register for that because that is all Power Platform all the time. There’s going to be a ton of things revealed around pro devs, timelines, roadmaps, et cetera, et cetera. I will be one of the hosts of that.
Dona Sarkar (25:38):
I’ll definitely be looking forward to seeing you and hearing your feedback. So the second opportunity is Build conference of course, May 19th through 21st. I was just watching some of the timelines around Power Platform keynote and the individual sessions that are rolling in. You don’t want to miss this. If you care about Power Platform, you definitely want to tune into Build because it’s going to be all for all the new dev capabilities that many, many of you have been asking for will be announced at Build. So May 19th through 21st. Registration goes live like soon, I think in the next few days. I’m also one of the hosts for Build, so I will see you there and I will be looking forward to engaging with you on Twitter and Teams and all the things. And the third one, of course the big enchilada. September, 20 through 25th, Ignite, formerly New Orleans, now Ignite Virtual.
Dona Sarkar (26:33):
We always release a whole bunch of stuff at Ignite, especially a bunch of private previews and public previews. Last year we unveiled portals for GA, our UI flows and a whole bunch of other things. So, AI Builder as well. So you can imagine this year we’re going to unveil a bunch of stuff and those are the times to go have a look, see what we’re unveiling. And if you still don’t get answers, find me after Ignite. And I will figure out when your GCC cloud things happening.
Mary Jo Foley (27:04):
Nice. All right, one last one, Dona. Ken Loewen asked, if there is some best practices you’d advocate for Power Apps projects and he said, for example, when working with Common Data Service, there’s Common Data Service again. Any best practices in general or resources that you’d recommend for people who are getting accustomed to working with Power Apps?
Dona Sarkar (27:28):
Yes. Thank you for that question. Because I am indeed in this category of people who are learning Power Platform the way users learn it, right? I have on purpose gone out of my way not to learn it the way a Microsoft person would, but learn it as a person who works in a company of my own. Because that way I can make really rational decisions on how do I learn something and how do I do it rather than finding the dev of the feature and yelling at them. Right? Which is my usual way. But I said, no, I’m not going to do that. Instead I’m going to look at the documentation that exists, look at all the YouTube videos and figure out what that learning looks like. So for Power Apps, I would say the best way to learn is use the Microsoft Learn content.
Dona Sarkar (28:13):
It’s actually quite thorough. That’s what I have been using. I’ve been sharing out a bunch of learning content just on the Twitter verse, but I highly recommend people check out this URL, aka.ms/poweracademy. So Power Academy is not even a real thing. It takes all of the Microsoft Learn content for Power and puts them into a sequential order that I have found very useful. So, I first of all stole this order from one of our customers and then I added a bunch of stuff to it that I thought was useful and I’ve been going through it in order. So it starts with build a canvas app, add Power Automate. Then it goes to build a model based app. Then it goes to, go and mess around with CDS. Then it goes to Power Virtual Agents. So there’s a sequential order where you’re not learning like Power Apps portals before Power Apps. You’re not learning CDS before AI builder, you know you’re learning them in the order that you want to learn them. So you’re building all of your knowledge.
Mary Jo Foley (29:20):
So Dona, thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I know we’re all in quarantine right now, but you’re still very, very busy with all these conferences coming up. So thanks a lot.
Dona Sarkar (29:32):
Thank you so much for having me. It’s always a pleasure chatting with you, Mary Jo. And believe me, I’m going to have you being a Power Platform advocate in no time.
Mary Jo Foley (29:39):
Uh oh. For everyone else listening to the podcast right now, all you MJF Chat readers and listeners, I’ll be posting more information soon on Petri about who my next guest is going to be. Once you see that, you can submit questions on Twitter directly for that guest. In the meantime, if you know of anyone else or even yourself who might make a good guest for one of these chats, please don’t hesitate to drop me a note. All my contact information is available on Petri.com, Thank you so much.