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  • MailItemsAccessed

Interpreting the Office 365 MailItemsAccessed Audit Event

If you have Office 365 E5 licenses, your mailboxes generate MailItemsAccessed events. These events are stored in the Office 365 audit log and can be used for investigating potentially compromised mailboxes. Useful information is in the audit events, but some processing is needed to extract the full benefit. Here's how to do it with PowerShell.

Last Update: Aug 22, 2023


Microsoft to Office 365 Users: Have Your Credit Cards Ready

In a rather odd decision, Microsoft is launching self-service purchases for Office 365 tenant users who want to use the Power Platform without consulting an administrator. Another troubling sign is the way that the MailItemsAccessed audit event has been packaged into a new Microsoft 365 Audit feature. Tenants expected to see this audit event last January after Microsoft announced it was coming. Its subsequent disappearance was a mystery until now.

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