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Exchange Online PowerShell Goes RESTful – But Only for Some Cmdlets

At Microsoft Ignite 2019, the Exchange product group announced the public preview of a set of REST-based PowerShell cmdlets to replace some of the most popular (and in performance terms, most painful) traditional cmdlets. The new cmdlets are more reliable and robust and run 2-4 times faster than the older Remote PowerShell-based cmdlets (your mileage will vary). All good stuff.

Last Update: Apr 12, 2022


Speedy PowerShell Access to Office 365 Groups with Get-ExoRecipient

The new Exchange Online Management PowerShell module has cmdlets that are faster than their older Remote PowerShell equivalents. Converting scripts to make the new cmdlets work takes some effort because the REST-based cmdlets have their own little quirks that need to be understood and mastered before scripts work properly. This example explains some of the issues met when converting code to report the Inbox sizes and items for Office 365 groups.

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