Last Update: Nov 19, 2024 | Published: Nov 12, 2015
If you’ve been keeping up with us on the Petri IT Knowledgebase, then you might have realized that we’ve been heavily focused on bringing readers information about containers. Within the last year or two, Docker has seen tremendous traction in the enterprise space, where DevOps teams are hurriedly adopting this relatively new technology to help the development and deployment of their application services.
This week I had the pleasure of speaking with Sheng Liang and Shannon Williams, co-founders of Rancher Labs. This tech startup based in Cuptertino, CA., is focused on providing an open source platform for managing container software in production environments at scale.
In discussing the organization’s mission, Sheng Liang said that Williams and himself saw a transition, where application workloads are being moved from virtualization environments to container-based environments. As a result, containers provides organizations with the means to reexamine their infrastructure services layer to improve maintainability and extensibility in a cost-effective way.
“With containers, everything is a lot more portable. The hybrid approach becomes the default as opposed to something you have to spend a lot of effort to make happen,” Liang said.
And at the core of its business operations, Liang said that Rancher Labs aims to create a consistent environment for applications to run, regardless of whether that’s on a public or private cloud.
Building on these tenets, Rancher Labs announced that its flagship product for building a private container service, Rancher, now includes support for orchestrating Persistent Storage Services for Docker. This means that developers can now deploy reliable storage in conjunction with containerized applications. Traditionally, deploying Docker applications that store persistent data was a tedious and difficult process, where users were forced to integrate their storage platforms on those that run outside of the Docker environment. Now, developers can orchestrate the deployment and configuration of their storage services directly on container hosts.
Additionally, the company announced that it has been working closely with Redapt to launch a new hyper-converged infrastructure platform for containers to help simplify operations and reduce the cost of building a private container service from scratch. Not only does this platform provide support for VMs and containers, but it also includes a resource scheduler and familiar DevOps tools that teams will find useful in managing their environments.
To learn more about these announcements, see Rancher Lab’s blog posts detailing the information on Rancher and its new hyper-converged infrastructure platform. What are your thoughts containers? Is this something that you’re already leveraging in your production environments? Let us know in the article comments below or on social media.