M365 Changelog: Retiring Teams mobile support for devices running on Android 5, 6 and 7

MC292735 – Updated September 21, 2021: Microsoft has updated the content below for clarity. Thank you for your feedback.

Microsoft will be retiring the Teams mobile support on Android version 5, 6 and 7. Instead Microsoft recommends that users upgrade to newer Android builds, which is where they will continue to build new features and experiences. Microsoft will also begin encouraging users to update to the newest version of Teams if they’re running builds older than 1 year.

Note: Microsoft will provide reminders, via future Message center communications, to move to supported OS versions before the retirements.

Key points:

  • Timing:
    • Android 5 – The retirement of Android 5 will start in early March (3/1/2022) and complete by mid-March
    • Android 6 – The retirement of Android 6 will start in early July (7/1/2022) and complete by mid-July. There will be no active development and bug fixes for this OS version after that, but Microsoft will continue to provide last supported version in the play store till September 2022.
    • Android 7 – The retirement of Android 7 will start in early September (9/1/2022) and complete by mid-Sept. There will be no active development and bug fixes on the build after that, but Microsoft will continue to provide last supported version in the play store till December 2022.
  • Action: Upgrade to newer Android builds.

How this will affect your organization:

Users may be affected if they continue to use unsupported versions after the retirement timelines.

What you need to do to prepare:

Ensure users are aware of this change and update to a supported Android OS version to continue using Teams mobile.